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{really bad fluff}

(Prompt: they got some cat bois. This was requested by someone but i don't remember who. sorry.)

Tommy was the one to bring the box home. He had been on a walk and found it. When he got home everyone else was out so he stole a big tub and some blankets and took them all upstairs. In the bathroom he gently washed the sleepy cat who didn't put up any fight. Once it was all dried he put it in the clean new tub that he had put the blankets in. He then took the tub to his room and left the sleeping kitty there while he went to find something he could feed it.

After a quick google search he found he could feed it rice. He knew that Phil had made rice the other day so he went to raid the fridge. As he brought the rice up he heard a meow from his room. When he entered he saw the cat had gotten out of the tub and onto his desk. It was just sitting there calmly. Tommy held out the rice careful not to spook it.

The cat quickly came over and ate it, Tommy was expecting it to be more scared but he was glad the cat was eating. As the cat was eating he heard the door opening. Gently he set the bowl of rice down and closed the door behind him. When he went downstairs he found the exact person he wanted.

"Wilbur, come upstairs I have something to show you." Wilbur had been begging for a pet for almost three months now. Wilbur groaned and followed him up. The cat made noise on the other side of the door causing Wilbur to rush ahead and open the door, getting the car into the rest of the house. "Nice going Wil you let him out."

"I didn't realize he was right there. Holy shit, does Phil know?" Tommy shook his head slightly. "We should tell him." Tommy shrugged. "I'm gonna go call him so if he gets mad we can make it look like it never happened." Tommy nodded and Wilbur disappeared into his room.

Tommy set about trying to find and re catch the cat. After Wilbur came out with the positive from Phil, they managed to find the cat back in the tub that Tommy had stuffed with blankets. When Techno and Phil returned home, they showed them the sleeping kitty.

Phil instantly fell in love with it, insisting that it be made a bunch of toys and such. He set to work on that while Techno complained because apparently it counted as another orphan Phil was taking in. However when Tommy suggested it be named Piglet he almost thought it was cute.

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