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 {littlespace, blades, self harm, overworking, a little of me being salty at the new Animaniacs, slight mention of being drunk} 

Wilbur was stressed. He had been for almost a month straight. He had no breaks and had been constantly working or trying to help around the house. Techno had recently become his flatmate and he wanted the transition to go smoothly.

Techno knew everything about Wilbur. More the Wil would care to admit. Whether it was the drunk late night he had told him about his self harm habits to the painfully sober day Wil had asked Techno to be his official caregiver. 

Techno could read Wil like an open book. He knew wilbur was struggling but he also knew it was best to let him reach out for him because if anyone tried to force help on him he would just push everyone away. At least this way Wilbur was eating at least two meals a day with him and they could sort of talk. As long as they avoided anything serious. 

Wilbur knew it was a dumb idea the moment he realized where he was. The hardware store. He only ever got one thing here. Blades. Still the overworked man got out of the car. He had been clean for almost 3 months. (me too I'm 2 months and 20 days as of writing this). He walked slowly but eventually came to checkout. 

When he pulled up the apartment building, he sighed. He was disappointed with himself. He hadn't even unpacked the things but he knew that now that he had them he wouldn't be able to resist. He thought about throwing them away but he couldn't bring himself to. 

Slowly but surely he made his way into the building. When he reached his flat he opened the door and went straight to his room. Techno was in his own room doing whatever. Wil cleared his bed of all the stuffies that had been stacked on it. He locked the door. He could feel himself slipping but he needed to make dinner. He opened the package. 

He sat comfortably on his bed with a towel in front of him. A blade clenched in his hand. It was sharp, he knew that. He went to put it to work but just before he touched his skin, he plummeted into littlespace. His newly little mind took in the situation from a totally different angle, he started to cry, loudly. Techno heard and rushed to the room. Just outside he knocked. Wilbur sniffed and called out for him. 

When Techno tried to open the door, it was still locked. "One minute Wilby. I need to go get Mr. Whale." Wilbur made a sad sound before bursting into a fresh set of tears. Techno rushed to his room grabbing the stuffie and the emergency key to Wilbur's room. They both had emergency keys to the other's room but they were only for important things, like this. 

Once he had unlocked the door he quickly entered and took in the room. Wilbur was sitting on his bed with a pack of razors next to him a towel the Wilbur had moved on his lap. Most horrific of all was the razor sitting next to him. 

"How old are you, munchkin?" Wilbur gently lifted five fingers while Techno moved over to pick him up. After the threat of razors had been neutralized by moving him out of the room, Techno brought the little into the kitchen where he sat on the counter and babbled sadly about nothing. Techno made him some warm milk, testing it on the back of his hand. 

After Wilbur had a bottle they went to the living room where Techno put him on the couch and turned on the original Animaniacs. He then ruffled Wilbur's hair and headed back to his room. He quickly gathered up all of the razors and bits and pieces and also stole the scissors from his desk. He put the new found contraband in his room and grabbed an outfit for Wil to change into. When he went back to the living room Wilbur was singing happily to the theme song. 

After the theme song was over Techno helped Wil change into the new clothes, checking for any recent cuts of injuries. After finding none he decided that he would talk to Wil later. Wilbur was strangely calm today as he watched the show. His favorite part was always Mindy and Buttons. He would sometimes talk to the tv or quote bits but he didn't get bored like he normally did.

When the episode was over, Techno got him up and brought him to his room. Wilbut instantly wanted to play with Mr. Whale and Buzz the Bee. As the two men played, Wil used Mr. Whale and Techno had Buzz the Bee. Wilbur slowly started coming out of his head space. The story evolved from a simple friend's talking to incorporating other characters to make it a social commentary until Wilbur was read to bring up what happened. 

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have gone to the hardware store." Techno knew what he ment. 

"It's okay. I did notice you were overworking yourself again. Maybe we should work on your balance with that. Also you can alway talk to me. Even if I'm streaming or some thing. You are more important then anything else happening. You are my best friend and I love you." Wilbur sighed. Those words had been exactly what he had needed, and the time in littlespace had helped a lot. 

Techno got up and led Wilbur to the kitchen where they made dinner together. Wilbur felt a lot better and Techno enjoyed seeing his friend happier. 


69 posts, pog? Sorry this littlespace one is kinda dark. Also who else loves Mindy and Buttons. 

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