Voices & Elytra

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{suicidal thoughts, voices, panic attack, fire}

Tommy woke up with a headache. He heard the voices and knew exactly what they wanted. Death. Just like Techno, except not quite. The more he listened the worse he felt. They only wanted one thing. Falling. They wanted to fall from the top of the world. From the bridge in the Nether. He screamed because it was the only thing he could think to do over the rushing thoughts. He had fallen from heights multiple times and everytime it took forever to get better. But the voices didn't want to get better after.

"Tommy. Can you hear me?" Phil's voice cut through the voices for a second before being drowned out. Tommy looked around panicked. He couldn't hear but Phil was still talking.
"Dad, I can't, voices." Phil looked extremely worried as he called for someone. Tommy was struggling to breath. "Dad, please, shut them up." He was choking on his words. Techno appeared at the doorway with a potion. He gave it to Phil who gently helped Tommy drink it. Within moments the voices quieted.

"Can you hear me mate? What did they want?" Phil was worried. He remembered the first time his other sons had voices. The voices were loudest when they first appeared. Phil had made potions for Techno for when his voices got loud and it seemed it also worked with Tommy. Wilbur refused to take anything for them, claiming that they were essential for his songs. Which makes sense as they gave him lyrics.

Tommy nodded. "They wanted me to jump. To fall. And not from anything survivable. From a cobble tower or from the bridge in the nether. Why?" Tommy looked at Techno.

"Well they all ask for things that are important when they appear. I was being bullied when mine appeared, hence violence. Phil had just adopted me and Wil, they keep him up to date with us three. Wilbur was starting a band, so lyrics. You just got out of exile where Dream was abusing you. It makes sense that they would try and kill you because in exile how many times did Dream say he had to tell you not to?"

Tommy nodded sorting this information. "But I'm better now. I don't want to die." 'Most of the time.' He almost spoke the voice out loud but held his tongue.

"Doesn't matter. Wilbur had been planning on quitting the band. I didn't need to fight back anymore because I had finally gotten higher ups involved. See the voices don't actually care about your current thoughts." Tommy nodded slowly.

"So how do I give them what they want?" Techno shrugged.

"Maybe you could use adrenaline. Maybe use an elytra. We could petition DreamXD for it. I don't really know for sure." Tommy nodded.

"How do we get the elytra? They seem to like it." Techno nodded once then motioned for the others to follow him outside.

"I have an altar to the gods out here. It was made for Drista but DreamXD has shown up once or twice." Phil was kinda surprised but Tommy had figured that Techno talked to the gods before. As they entered what looked like a strip mine Techno slowed his walk. They slowly made their way into a big open room. "DreamXD. I, Technoblade, bow before the altar with my father, Philza Minecraft, and my younger brother, TommyInnit, in hopes that we can petition you for a gift. As you know my family suffers from voices that demand things to allow us to think. My younger brother's voices have demanded falling. From heights he can not survive without help. Can you give us an elytra that he can use to make his way safely?" They all bowed silently.

"Hello, I'm not DreamXD but I can give you an Elytra for a price." The three looked up to see a ender hybrid wearing a green hoodie. The hoodie is a sign of deity and it honestly looked like a feminie Ranboo. Her voice was light and barely louder than the ender sounds she was emitting.

"Hello, what is your name?" Tommy was the first to recover from the shock.
She laughed. "I don't have one actually. But I can get you your elytra if you can get me a meeting with my fallen brother. His name I believe is Ranboo. As you can probably tell I am not of the Dream line. I am of the ender line. The deities of the Dream family have corrupted. They need to be dealt with but they had started to corrupt the fallen of other lines and I must warn my brother." Tommy nodded.

"Yes, Ranboo lives nearby so we can take you there or we can bring him here." The girl smiled.

"Let's go there because DreamXD might listen in here. But first let's test your elytra theory." She produces a set of Elytra with mending on them and a curse of binding. "As you are in your last life this should make it so that others can't steal it and it has protection from a netherfire that is technically a deity only thing but if this works it will be worth it. Also they might have a special effect but only if they find you worthy so it is unlikely." Techno was shocked but he quickly nodded and stood, motioning for Phil to follow suit. As they headed out Tommy fit the elytra snuggly onto his back.

Tommy almost screamed in pain but managed to just let out a gasp, everyone turned to him. "Oh my, you should probably step back." She said to Phil and Techno as she approached Tommy who was whimpering now. When she put a hand on his shoulder the pain was gone but it was slightly uncomfortable. He groaned and then realized his back felt weird. Looking over his shoulder he saw two wings, they were the color of netherrack with darker tips making them look like they were dipped in blood. And they had actual fire coming off of them.

"Holy shit. Does this mean I'm worthy and shit?" He said breathless as Techno and Phil rushed up. She nodded and then stepped back. Phil wrapped his arms around his son and then recoiled at the pain. Fire burns, right. "Shit dad I'm sorry. I didn't mean to burn you." Phil looked like he was going to cry as he took off his own cloak. He let his wings become solid and everyone gasped at the pale color of Endstorn with Obsidian tips. No one had seen Phil's wings before, not even Techno.

"Tommy, I can teach you to fly." Phil had tears streaming down his face.

"Ender Goddess, I can take you to Ranboo while they have a wholesome moment." Techno spoke up. She nodded and they left. Phil and Tommy headed out soon after but they went to find a hill to practice flying on.

DreamXD watched from the corner with rage in his eyes. That is the third being from that makeshift family to be worthy of those damn wings. And not one of his family has even gotten the chance to try them. Well, he drove the first one insane how hard would it be to fuck with the others.


not where that was originally going to go but ok. did you like it? i don't really know what to do for a pt. 2 so if you want one pls give me ideas too.

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