A Siren's Call

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{temporary death, bombs, mentions of human trafficking, fainting}

Prompt: Techno is a shapeshifter, Wilbur is a siren, Tommy is a demon, Phil is an avian human hybrid.

POV: Wilbur
I fucking hate them all. Techno and his shapeshifting. He has done so much with his powers. Tommy and his demon powers are the talk of the town. Even though he uses them to terrorize them they still treat him with respect, at least to his face. Phil isn't allowed to fly unless it is an emergency in town but he still is allowed to fly outside of the main city. Meanwhile they don't let me talk in public. They think that even if I just say something they will instantly be spelled. I tried to explain that it is only when I sing and even then only when I sing certain songs. I wrote some for spell work but most of my music isn't. And they don't listen to the music I publish even when recorded siren voices don't hold any power. They live in ignorance.

I was sitting in the jail cell with a piece of tape over my mouth. Tommy laid in the cell next to me. I wanted to ask what he had done to land me in here but I couldn't talk through the tape. The guard turned and left probably for the switch change.

"Wilbur, get over here so I can get that off." Tommy who had previously looked asleep was wide awake now and beckoning to me. I stumbled over and Tommy ripped the tape off. I almost screamed in pain but I held my tongue. I had gotten quite used to not being allowed to talk except in the privacy of my own home.

"Tommy, what did you do and why are we both here?" My question was out before he could talk. He groaned and laid back on his cot.

"I might have helped sneak a little puppy into the castle. And that little puppy might have accidentally blown up some bombs that I had accidentally placed under the royal spawnpoint and then I might have burned the king, queen, and princex to death. Sending them all the way back to world spawn." Tommy's voice was timid but I could tell it was because he was more worried about my reaction then actually being sorry for his behavior.

"Damn, was Techno-" He nodded and then I set about getting us out. I started to sing gently to the metal cuffs on my wrists. They turned to liquid before settling on the floor and hardening in the shape of a blade. I started to focus on Tommy's coffs and once they made the handle for the blade I picked it up.
While the village's ignorance annoyed me most of the time it was especially useful for situations like this. They thought that a siren's call could only affect animals. In reality there are only a few things I can't bend to my will with my songs. Bedrock, obsidian, and a few other things which no mortal could move.

I started to sing my favorite song, Saline Solution. Tommy's cell unlocked and then mine. We sprung into action. I tossed the sword to Tommy who caught it and started walking to the door. I kept singing as I wandered through the cells. I locked the doors out so no one could come in and Tommy couldn't get out. He was mad but I needed time to think. As I wandered through I saw a small mouse with pink fur.

"Techno, Get up and be useful." I started singing again to make Tommy and Techno some armour and made another sword for my now piglin brother. They pulled on their gear as I started to project my voice. A siren can be heard up to 100 miles away. I kept singing but I knew it wouldn't matter. I put the whole village to sleep and started wiping their memories of what had happened. They wouldn't remember Tommy and Techno sending the royal family to spawn until the royal family returned.

Tommy looked disappointed when he opened the door to see the sleeping guards. He was almost as bloodthirsty as Techno. We walked through the castle. I stood slightly back and center of my 2 brothers who were carrying sharp swords and Techno had switched into human form so the steel armour didn't annoy him. He was searching rooms as we walked because I was walking slowly trying to find our way out. At some point he had stolen a red coat that looked like it was from the princex.

When we got out Phil was already there. He took one moment to assess what was happening before my vocal cords gave out. See the thing with shapeshifters and demons is their power never runs out and they never have issues when using their power in a huge burst. Sirens on the other hand only have so much before their vocal cords start to fade and when a siren loses their vocal cords they rarely stay conscious and when they do they often go mad or otherwise suffer. A siren without a voice is like a cat without teeth and claws. Often sirens are de-vocalized and sold into human trafficking, well siren trafficking, because they are known for their beauty.

I had been on the line to be de-vocalized but Phil had saved me. I looked around, panicked, and tried to cry out to Phil. He saw me and instantly told Tommy to do something but my ears were ringing and my legs were giving out so I couldn't hear what. Then finally darkness encircled me. I liked this place. I knew it well. I also knew that it never lasted forever. I sang here often. Into the dark. Not having to worry about what happened because it was only my mind singing but it felt like it was me. I sang and talked and screamed and my voice never gave out. I enjoyed this while my family took me home and tucked me into my bed.

i really enjoyed this one. any requests for this au?

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