Just One Big Happy Family Pt. 3

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{intrusive thoughts}

    Techno walks into the store he works at and rushes into the break room. He always gets here over an hour early. Normally he spends the time on his phone but other times he just sits and stares at the wall. Today he is staring at the wall. He had a nightmare last night and the voices are acting up. They keep tempting him. Stab the person who just walked in. You could kill yourself. Grab that knife. Stab your leg. It won't hurt that much. You could kill everyone in this store before the cops could arrive. You could do so much if you just let us. Stab your arm.

    Techno stood shakily. He needed to get these thoughts out of his head. He fought them off as he started up the kettle. He pulled down a mug and almost dropped it. He managed to put a tea bag in it and set it next to the kettle before his whole body shook. He hated when that happened but he relaxed slightly to try and let it pass. It did and then the kettle told him it was done with a shriek. He slowly turned it off. Fighting the urge to pour the water on himself he poured a cup of tea.

    He sat back down and relaxed a bit. As he sipped his still fairly hot tea he let his mind wander. He did his best to avoid the intrusive thoughts but when they did pop up he would simply accept them and then move on. Not acting on them but being aware that they are there. After his brain quieted he started to get ready for his shift. After putting on the uniform he headed out and took over for the poor girl who must have been working an opening shift based on the bags around her eyes.

    Throughout his whole shift he struggled to fight away the thoughts. He did in the end but sometimes he would startle and drop something when the thoughts gave him a really bad idea. As his shift ended he headed out to go for a walk. He always went on a walk after his shift to let himself switch out of customer service mode. After an hour or so he found himself on his porch. He went in and shortly after left to go to the mall with his family, everyone smiling and joking with each other. Just one big happy family, right?

i'm gonna just post the last 2 because i'm really happy with how the oneshot that is after these came out so yea enjoy.

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