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{f slur, swearing, spitting on people, violence, good Schlatt, mention of alcohol and alcoholic, muteness, panic} 

Tubbo didn't speak, not cause he was dumb or mentally challenged. He just didn't speak. Hadn't since his mom left. His dad knew this and had home schooled him to shelter him from the teasing or bullying he would get. His dad tried his best. Sure he was technically a drunk but he tried not to be mean and when he got too drunk he would drop off his kid with Tubbo's best friend and his family.

Tubbo would often go to the store with his dad. Even as a 13 year old he enjoyed being with his father. Today was a shopping day. Schlatt always made sure to be sober and ready to go when Tubbo got up. When Tubbo did get up he got dressed quickly. Soon he stood at the base of the stairs waiting patiently for his dad to notice him. It didn't take long because Schlatt had been waiting for him so once he made eye contact they both headed for the car.

Tubbo worked on the list while Schlatt rambled about the things they could get if they had extra money. Tubbo nodded and gave his input with taps of the pencil so his dad didn't have to look away from the road. When they finally reached the store Tubbo was the first out of the car. He bounced on his toes while his dad got out and they went into the store.

It was all fine, Tubbo walked a bit ahead and Schlatt pushed the cart. Tubbo would check the paper every now and then, sometimes handing it to Schlatt to read an item off the list. But at some point Tubbo walked back a bit to have his dad read an item but his dad wasn't there. He felt the panic rise but he pushed it away. He traced his steps backwards. He reached the door. No dad.

By now his mind was spiraling. His dad left him. He mentally prepared himself to live on the streets. Then he felt the tears coming. He moved to a wall and sat down leaning against it. He figured if his dad left then he could sit there for a bit before trying to take as much as he could and running.

The man startled Tubbo when he grabbed his shoulder. You would think a man would see a crying teen and have sympathy but this is angst so no. This new man pulled Tubbo up and stared at him. Tubbo squirmed under the scrutiny. "Boy. What are you doing, crying here like a faggot?" The old man's voice was exactly how you would imagine it. Low and gravely and extremely rude.

Tubbo didn't know what to do. He just stared back at the man. The man dropped the poor boy back onto the ground with a thud and spit on him. ''Answer your elder." Tubbo was shaking.

"Get the hell away from my son." The old man gasped and turned around.

"How could you let your son just cry like a fucking pansy? He doesn' t even respect his elders. If he was mine-" Schlatt punched him in the jaw.

"Well," Schlatt brought his knee up to the man's gut. "Turns out. My son and I have one thing in common. We don't respect assholes." To put things lightly, Schlatt beat the shit out of the old man. When the old man was laying on the floor with tears running down his face, Schlatt turned to his kid. Tubbo was hyperventilating and shaking. Schlatt helped him up and they left. They didn't even bother paying for their groceries.

When Tubbo calmed down enough he tugged on his ear. His dad instantly started telling a random story. They had made a little code for a bunch of things after Tubbo went mute. Ear tugs means that Tubbo needs to hear Schlatt talking. It doesn't have to be about anything just talking. If he needs reassurance then he would tug his ear then tap his nose twice. If he wanted an 'I love you' he would simply tap his nose twice. If he wanted to say it then he would tap his nose twice then tug both of his ears.

Schlatt told the story of when he and Tubbos mom went to a flower field. It was the same field he took tubbo to sometimes. He spoke about the bees and how beautiful she had looked. He talked about the pale blue sundress that he had learned to sew just to make for her. He spoke until they got home, taking a break to get Tubbo inside, and then continued talking about how they had talked about how poetic the sunset was. Schlatt had made a short poem right there and she had carved it into a tree. When he was done talking Tubbo had curled onto his lap and fallen asleep. 


Hi. How are you guys. It's almost 3 and I'm so hyper. I have decided to dedicate all of my writing to @CassySleepy-Bois because they are my serotonin. When I post I like to wait until that magic They voted alert comes in. It makes me happy. And they comment and give me ideas and they are wonderful. 

Also if you read my Enter Title Here sleepy bois angst story just know I will never kill any character. No matter how close to death they seem. I don't like writing death. Actually I might kill like side characters like Tommy's parents or something. But the mains and Lilly stray will not die. 

Love you all so much. Anyway have a last minute upload. 

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