Bloodied Bread

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{blood hallucinations, panic}

Prompt: Niki has bloody hand hallucinations at the bakery while SBI are there. Wilbur comforts her.

Niki was kneading the dough at the front workspace when he walked in with his family. She didn't know why but this man seemed to interest her a lot more then she liked. His little brother who must have been around ten, bounded up to the glass watching as she worked the bread. She looked back to what she was doing when she noticed it. Blood. All over her hands. She quickly went to wash her hands. She knew it was a hallucination but normally the blood would go away after a wash or two. It faded a little enough that it didn't feel as real. She went back to the dough and started kneading again. The dough slowly turned red as she kneaded her parent's blood into it. It never seemed to end. She went to wash her hands again but it wouldn't leave. She washed them until her hands felt raw. Then a hand was on her back and someone was gently helping her sit down. She was shaking looking at the blood that wasn't coming off.

"What do you see? On your hands?" It was him. Wilbur was his name, she remembered when they had first moved into town. She was shaking and went to hug him making sure to keep her hands away from him. He hugged her for a bit before pulling away and looking into her eyes. "What is on your hands?" He asked again gently.

"Blood, it's my mom's. I accidentally put it in the bread too. I'm so sorry. That batch will be done for. I should start making more." She tried to stand but he held her down.

"You are in no fit state to bake, you might get hurt. There is no blood in that bread so it is not ruined." He stood and washed his hands. She looked over at the dough, he was right the blood in the bread was gone. She looked back down at her hands. They were still bloody and it was starting to drip onto the ground. She grabbed a towel and started moping it up. She knew it wasn't real but she needed something to do. Wilbur started to knead the bread. When he was done he put it in the glass bowl and put the lid on. He returned to Niki and started to help her up. He washed her hands for her and she started calming down. Niki could see the blood washing off as he washed her hands for her.

Once all the blood was off her hands she picked up the towel that was still bloody. She threw it in the hamper of towels and aprons. She then walked with Wilbur back out to the front where his family was waiting patiently. They bought donuts and a few drinks and then sat down at the tables inside and ate. Niki sat with them because there was no one else in the store and she wanted to talk to Wilbur more.

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