Voices & Elytra Pt. 2

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 {explosions, swearing} 

Phil and Tommy flew around in the air. Most citizens of L'Manburg kept their eyes down so they didn't notice. Tubbo however had been laying down, watching the bees. He saw the two people and did a double take. He knew Phil had wings but he had never seen them, he never knew about Tommy's. He waved and Tommy waved back. He waited a bit as Tommy and Phil slowly came down from the sky. Tommy fell the last few feet but Phil landed firmly on the ground.

"Tommy, when did you get wings?" Tommy laughed when Tubbo spoke nearly screaming.

"Today. A goddess gave them to me." Tubbo decided to ignore the goddess part for now.

"Today, given, what?"

"My voices came and asked for fall damage, a lot of it, so we went to get elytra from DreamXD or Drista and this new EnderGoddess came and gave me them. Then Techno took her to talk to Ranboo who apparently is a fallen Ender God. Like Dream is a fallen Over God." Tommy paused to catch his breath.

"Wait, there is more than one line of god?" Phil nodded. Tubbo processed this new information. "I should go talk to Ranboo. He might get scared at seeing such a big part of his past." Tommy went behind Tubbo and Phil nodded. Within moments all three were in the air, Tubbo yelped and held on for his life.

Tubbo slowly got used to it and then they landed in front of Ranboo's house. Just in time to see Ranboo storm out writing in his book angrily. Tubbo stopped him and pulled him into a hug. Ranboo just kept writing.

"Ranboo what's wrong?" Ranboo pressed to book into Tubbo's hand and Tommy read it over his shoulder.

'My sister came to visit. I thought she could help with my memories or the dream issues but she just said I was corrupted and then tried to leave. I had a trap set for Dream and now she is in it. Remember to bring her food and question her with Techno or someone.' Tubbo was worried about Ranboo but Tommy was heading inside. He knew the trap he had helped set it. Tommy pushed Techno down a ladder and then followed. He went to the questioning area, Techno following.

"Yea hello. Do you think it is possible to un-corrupt someone?" The goddess was startled at the sudden movement and talking.

"Well maybe but not likely." She looked nervous.

"Great, we need to know how." Techno took over the interview and started writing things down. Then Tommy went back up to Ranboo.

"Ranboo get your shit. We might be able to fix you." Tubbo and Ranboo stood. "All your shit. Pack up, move everything you don't need to the basement or hide it. Techno's getting the process." Tubbo and Ranboo rushed into the house and started packing things. Phil and Tommy stayed outside.

"Fix him? Are you sure?" Tommy nodded.

"She said it was unlikely but possible." With that Techno came up with a list. As they moved things around they realized they had almost everything. The only thing they were missing was a block of blood stained bedrock. Tommy quickly showed everyone his piece and said they could use it.

They returned to the temple to set up. It didn't take long and soon everything was ready. They stained the bedrock quickly, all of them feeling light headed at the amount of blood spilled for it. Ranboo then was sat down and splashed with all the potions and all the things were fed to him. Then he froze, his eyes closed and when they opened the colors were switched.

Ranboo stood, and promptly fell on his face. "Oh gods. I am the traitor. I have my memories." He started laughing. "I'm so sorry. But he felt right. I see now. Good bye guys." With that he left, teleported away. The rest of them were left to wonder what happened. They slowly made their way back to Ranboo's house, or where it used to be. There was a huge hole in the ground and everything was gone.

At the sight of that Phil and Tommy took to the sky. They searched a long time before they heard it. Explosions. Tommy flew to L'Manburg hoping it wasn't there. Phil flew to the Prison, knowing what was happening.

Ranboo and the Goddess stood above it throwing every explosive at the prison. Phil hovered over them. "Guy's, it is safer to go through the portal." They gave him a confused look. Phil smiled. "My wings came with portability powers. Let me draw you up a portal." He flicked his wings and a dark portal appeared. The Gods inspected it for a bit before going through. It clicked shut behind them. The scream of the green bastard echoed all around the land. Then came the other Gods. Nether, Ender and Over gods all appeared. The Nether and Ender gods looked proud of the death. The over gods were pissed. 


Sorry the ending sucks I lost will to write this au. Feel free to write it yourself but Im not gonna. Please @ me if you use it cause I wanna see what you do with it. I was gonna give wilbur the over world wings and make techno the fallen nether god. 

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