Rest in Pieces

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{abuse, flashbacks, implied sexual assault, blood, smell of blood and bleach, nightmares, graveyards, being locked in a small room, disrespect of graves} 

Quackity knew it was going to be a shit day. First he woke up from a nightmare. Schlatt had felt so real in it. And it hurt too. Normally the nightmares don't hurt at least physically. When he woke up Sapnap and Karl were not in their bed. Most of the time he wakes up before either of them. And after the nightmare he had all he could think is that they left. Were gone, and never coming back, left him for Schlatt to find.

Then he was back in that damned room. The smell of bleached out blood stains surrounded him on all sides. It was a janitor's closet right next to the president's office. Schlatt would sometimes just lock him in there for hours or days, until Tubbo came and let him out. Other Times he would lock himself in with Quackity. Those were the worst. This time Schlatt was stepping closer.

He heard a door open but the door he saw remained locked. He felt someone's arms wrapped around his waist from behind him. He whirled around. Sapnap was there, holding him in place. He could feel Schlatt creeping up behind him. He screamed and Sapnap let go. As soon as the contact was gone, Quackity couldn't see him. He flinched as someone tapped his shoulder.

He flinched and spun around expecting to see Schlatt. Instead Karl stood there with his hand gently in his shoulder. Karl lifted his hand and Quackity's face scrunched up as Schlatt reappeared. Karl's hand found its way to Quackity's shoulder and this time Quackity didn't flinch or hesitate. He dove into Karl's arms. He felt them hesitantly wrap around him.

Soon the room faded back to their bedroom and the smell of bleached blood faded. He felt Sapnap hugging him from behind and he started to understand Karl murmuring to him. He felt loved but uncomfortable. He started to panic. He needed to get out. Schlatt was going to find him, he was going to kill Sapnap and Karl.

Quackity wiggled his way out of the hug quickly and rushed out of the house. He ran, not any planned destination, he could sometimes trick himself into thinking his fiancés were not chasing him. He ran until his legs gave out before taking in his surroundings. He was at the graveyard. He tried his best as he limped to the grave, taking a path he could do blindfolded.

The words were chipped out by all the people he had abused. All except the name. JSchlatt. Quackity sobbed as he felt Karl embrace him again. Sapnap must have fallen behind at some point. Karl was running a hand over Quackity's ruffled wings. Quackity stood shakily and kicked the gravestone. Then he turned back to Karl and now Sapnap.

When Quackity nodded Karl grabbed his hand and led all of them home. Once there Sapnap went through and removed anything that had or could trigger more flashbacks and they all laid down. With Quackity on the end closest to the door, another precaution for flashbacks. They fell asleep, all exhausted after running almost 6 miles to the graveyard. 


Someone said the protective dadschlatt was the calm before the storm. Yup. Here's the first wave. Lol. 

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