Littlespace Pt. 4

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{little space} 

Tommy rolled over, waking both himself and the boy he had slept curled beside. He was most definitely little and Tubbo could tell with the slower and less organized movements. Tommy rubbed his eyes lightly with his palms. Tubbo almost laughed at the cute but very tired look on his friend's face.
"Uncle T!" Tommy cheered once he had assessed the situation. This Tubbo laughed at.

"Hey Bubba, do you want to go down and see if the others are up or do you want to stay here and play with Henry?" Tubbo asked while holding up his own bee and Tommy's cow from last night. Tommy made grabby hands at the toy. "Okay here you go." Tommy pulled the cow close before mumbling nonsense and moving his cow towards Tubbo's bee. They both went into full on kid mode. Tommy mumbling nonsense instead of really talking while Tubbo would fill in bits with words and they would both crack up laughing.

"Hey Tommy, Tubbo. Breakfast." Wilbur called up less than an hour later. Tubbo slowly thought about how to get Tommy down. The ladder might be dangerous.

"Wilbur, can you get Techno?" He heard mumbling before he heard Techno at the bottom "Hey Techno can you help me get Bubba down. He's still little and I don't want him to use the ladder."

"Right, ummm, I can probably carry him down if you can get him in the door." Tubbo looked at Tommy who was getting Henry tucking into his shirt for the ride down. Tubbo helped Tommy through the door into Technoblade's arms.

After all three of them were firmly on the ground Tommy pulled out Henry and showed it to Techno. "Lokkie, Henry." He said before he and Tubbo dissolved into laughter. They headed inside and in the kitchen Philza and Wilbur were bickering about how much sugar was too much for something. Wilbur seemed to want to add more to whatever it was but when Phil pointed out the steamer couldn't even stir it he gave up and turned around, noticing them.

"Oh hey Tubbo, hey Bubba. I am making angel milk for both of you. Philza won't let me add any more sugar. His fault not mine." Tubbo laughed at this but Tommy was slightly confused. Then his eyes sparkled.
"Wilby, Wilby, meet Henry and Uncle T." He over exaggerated the T and gave it a little head nod making Philza and Techno smile. Wilbur chuckles.

"I had already met Uncle T but it is nice to meet Henry." Wilbur sat down on a barstool. Tommy tried to climb onto the island but failed. Techno stepped in, he cleared space for the little gremlin before helping him up onto the counter.

"Bubba, do you want to wear a onesie or big kid clothes today?" Phil knew that if he didn't get Tommy changed into clean clothes now he wouldn't get changes at all. Tommy wiggled with Henry, muttering to the cow before making his decision.

"Big kid. I wanna be big kid today." Tommy said it slightly slurred and it made everyone spam aww in their own minds, with 7 W's.

"Okay Tommy, let's drink your milk then we can get changed." Wilbur stepped in as Phil started dishing breakfast for the others. Tommy nodded putting his hands up to grab at Wilbur. "No I have to go get it from over there." Wilbur pointed trying to convince Tommy he needed his arm back. Tubbo noticed the kid didn't seem to be letting go any time soon so he went and poured the drink into the two sippy cups waiting. He put the lid on them and walked back to Tommy and Wilbur who had made a compromise, Tommy held Wilbur's sweater instead of his arm.

"Sorry I couldn't find the extra mug and so I figured a sippy would be better than straight out of the steamer." Tubbo nodded handing Tommy one and sipping from his own. Tommy looked at Wilbur expectantly. "Okay you gremlin child." Tommy giggled and held the sippy out to him. Tubbo observed as Wilbur hopped onto the counter pulling Tommy onto his lap.
Wilbur fed the milk to Tommy like you would a baby. Tommy looked very sleepy but when the milk was done he yawned and stood up.

"Big kid time." He said slightly still in his little space.

"Okay, let's head up to your room to get changed." Philza took Tommy away, leaving the other three without their main source of entertainment.
"Wow, I can't decide if I like little Tommy or big Tommy better." Tubbo broke the silence. Wilbur chuckled lightly.

"Yea, it is pretty awesome isn't it?" While he asked a question he said it like a fact. Techno who had finished his breakfast took his dish to the sink and loaded it and the other dishes from making breakfast. After a bit of mindless chatter Philza and Tommy returned downstairs. Tommy looked slightly embarrassed and very worried.
"Hey Tubbo." He said with an awkward wave. Tubbo set his half empty milk on the counter and rushed to give him a hug.

"Hey Tommy. I really liked being your uncle, maybe we should make a little friendly treehouse access though." He said. Tomm relaxed slightly and returned the hug.



"You are so clingy."

Everyone burst into laughter at that. Tubbo dragged Tommy into the kitchen and went back to slowly sipping his drink. Tommy stole Tubbo's food and ate it while Phil cooked up the last of the food himself and Tubbo.

"Tommy, my arm hurt from carrying you down a ladder. We definitely need better access." Techno who had just finished processing the whole conversation chimed in. Wilbur choked on a laugh at the out of place words. "Yea I know I'm late to the train but still, and I'm not letting Wil try and help again." Wilbur didn't try and stop his laughter this time.

"I didn't even do anything so that is fair." Tommy laughed at this. The rest of the morning was spent planning the easy way down and Techno built it on his own the next day. Tommy and Tubbo had to clean up the mess from last night but they didn't complain. They also added a shelf to keep a pacifier, the baby speaker thing, and Henry.


some fluffy for what happened. i wasn't going to move this to the top but with all the angst with the last stream. i needed some fluff and i think u probably do too. enjoy.

no i'm not crying my eyes are sweaty.

also i am out of little space ideas so if you want more i need help with that.

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