Pegan and Technoblade- Sneak Peak

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{religious self harm, voices, swearing, death, murder, yelling, nightmare}

POV: Pegan.


I stared at the lifeless corpses of my mother and little sister. I walked past them and saw the cops trying to arrest my father. He struggled trying to get back to his wife, my mother. They were shooting into his back once twice; by the tenth shot I was at my best friend's house. I was getting yelled at about how it was my fault. I woke up shooting bolt upright.

I tried to cry but found rage instead of fear or sadness. I looked through all the books I had. I had read something. A revenge god. Techni-something. It was just a rumor and some legends but I had to try. Who had killed my parents? The cops had said it was my dad and closed the case. I knew better. I stumbled around the small room. Then I saw it. A deity book of obscure deities that were said to be dead or missing.

I opened the book and as if it was fate it was him. The pig like god stared back from the painting. There was what looked like a pixelated photo of a pig in some sort of royal get up. I scanned the page, reading the list of offerings and altar ideas. I scrambled around my room as I kept reading. I collected things as I read them off. Dragon's blood incense. Gold burning bowl. A crown. Shit. Do I have a crown?

I looked around in a panic. My eyes settled on a large jewelry box in the corner. My mother had told me to open it when I turned 16 but that year had come and gone without even thinking. I opened it and inside was a small tiara with some other expensive looking pieces. I took them out and closed the box. Over the top I laid a light pink hoodie that I had taken from her sister's closet the day before the incident.

I put the bowl in the middle and the incense to the left. To the right I put the tiara and the crown. I read on about how he could be used for revenge but only for his favorite followers. Quickly I lit up the incense and muttered a prayer to my mother before continuing.

"Oh God of Blood, Oh, God of Anarchy and Pain. Please hear my call." I read the prayer in the book and then frowned. I felt fake doing this. Fuck it. "Yo pig bitch. You like blood right?" I said it quickly and under my breath but I felt the connection. Perfect. It had been a while since I felt a god's eyes on me. Last one was Hera back before my mother died. I had been angry at Hera and might have ruined my relationship with the goddess.

I reached for a sharpener quickly unscrewing the screw holding the blade in place. I paused before continuing. Would this be blood magic? I didn't care anymore. I held my hand over the bowl and cut into my wrist. I cut short but deep cuts up my arm letting the blood drip into the bowl. I felt the connection grow stronger as the god paid more attention to me. I put a cloth over the wound and started talking again. "My mom died, was killed, I need help and I am willing to serve you." Suddenly the voices came.

Hey it has been a while. Read page 357 in that book you have. Now. At first I was confused then I opened the book and read it. "One who is favored by Technoblade will be given the gift of voices. These voices often will overlap and will drive one insane if they don't offer up proper sacrifices. Some voices demand blood of certain people others have reported the voices demanding fine articles of clothing. Obey the voices or find your doom."

I set the book down. "It's a bit dramatic but okay. So you favor me or something great will you help me with my revenge then?" Yes child. You won't like it but when we tell you who killed your mother you must kill them too. "Yea I get it just tell me." Suddenly the voices began to overlap. EEEEE. Pog pog pog. Blood for the Blood God. Tami. I almost missed the name, I probably would have if I had never heard it before. Tami was my best friend. Had been before the accident.

The voices continued to say nonsense but one of the things that was chanted over and over was Blood for the Blood God. I grabbed the side of my makeshift altar and almost screamed for silence. "Please use my body and show me how. I have never done this before." 


This story is up, if you like it go comment on it and give me ideas. I have a little planned but not much. 

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