Littlespace Pt. 4

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{littlespace, nightmares, swearing}

Tommy woke up bored and little and it was just after 4 in the morning. He was staying the night with Tubbo but he didn't have any of his things. Tubbo was still up playing games but he hadn't noticed the tall little that was now sitting up on the bed. Tommy watched Tubbo play the game. Eventually Tubbo died and swore under his breath. Tommy's childish mind found the words very interesting.

"Fuck." Tommy muttered in his little space voice. Tubbo heard and turned around quickly. Tubbo sighed before smiling slightly.

"Tommy," Tubbo tested before he watched Tommy's face scrunch. "Bubba. You can't say that." Tommy's mouth curved downwards.

"Fuck." He stated it like a fact. Tubbo wandered over and pulled Tommy into a hug.

"That is a rude word. I shouldn't even say it." Tommy looked at him with serious eyes. Tubbo thought he was going to cry for a second.

"Uncle T not says fuck." Tommy said with a laugh. Tubbo held in a laugh.

"Yes but Bubba does not say it either." Tommy nodded as if deep in thought. Then he clapped his hands together and giggled.

"I wanna play stuffies." Tommy said as he nuzzled his face into Tubbo's chest. Tubbo rubbed Tommy's back before reaching around him and grabbing two of the many stuffies he kept on his bed.

"Do you want to play with Bee or Piglet." He said holding the two stuffies. Tommy looked at them then nuzzled his face into Tubbo's chest again. Tubbo laid down, holding Tommy close. Before he had even fully laid down Tomy was asleep. Tubbo decided it was time to sleep for himself too. He rubbed circles on Tommy's back and slowly drifted to sleep.

When Tubbo woke up Tommy was still sleeping on his chest. Tubbo slowly shifted himself out from under him and went to take care of his morning duties. As he was getting dressed his cat came into the room, seaking pets and food. Their cat had a missing leg because of a fight she had been in a long time ago. When Tubbo was done taking care of the cat and all of his other things he noticed Tommy seemed to be struggling in his sleep.

Tubbo was at the bedside before he even registered anything else. "Tommy, Tommy. Wake up." He gently touched Tommy's shoulder. Tommy flinched so hard he woke up. Tubbo recognized the sloppy movements as Tommy tried to sit up as littlespace. "Bubba, are you okay?" Tommy nodded sleepily even as his eyes filled with tears and he started to cry.

"Oh Bubba. What's wrong?" Tommy just muttered incoherently, way too fast for anything to even vaguely make words. Tubbo nodded and muttered sympathetically. After a while, Tommy started to calm down and his tears started to dry. Tubbo's cat jumped up onto the bed. "Bubba, do you want to play with the cat?"

Tommy sniffled and looked at the cat and giggled. "It's funky." He said as he softly reached an arm out to pet it. The cat slowly approached the hand and let the boy pet him. "It's missing a leg. It's a funky-wunky kitty cat." The cat crawled onto Tubbo's lap and let Tommy pet her. Tubbo was shocked at how friendly the cat was being.

"Yes Bubba, it is a funky-wunky kitty cat." Tubbo rubbed circles on Tommy's back. "Do you want to know the story?" Tubbo didn't know the story but he could make one up to keep the little from thinking about his nightmare. Tommy nodded excitedly.

"Okay, so once, way back before Coco lived with us, she lived on a farm with a bunch of other cats. Their job was to chase and eat the mice that lived there." He made his tone rise and fall to keep the other boy interested. "And one day as she was doing her job with the other cats there was a mutant rat. And this rat was huge. And she ran towards it. She realized she needed to kill it to keep the other cats safe. So she ran towards it and as she was fighting it, it bit her leg. When she had finally defeated the rat she needed to get help with her leg. But it was already so broken that they had to remove it to keep her healthy. So she got her leg removed because she saved all the other cats. But then she couldn't do her job anymore so they sent her here, where she can be taken care of and she doesn't have to worry about mice." Tommy was already back asleep by the end of the story so Tubbo laid him down before taking his seat at the desk and starting up a new game.

When Tommy woke up again he was big and he kept trying to play with the cat who had decided to go back to being a recluse and hiding in another room. "Hey Tubbo. How'd your cat lose its leg?" Tubbo laughed slightly.

"Maybe if you didn't fall asleep so quickly then you would know." Tommy scoffed.

"At least I was sleeping. If I remember correctly I wasn't planning on sleeping after the nightmare I had." Tubbo nodded and then they both turned back to their game and Tubbo finally managed to kill Tommy in whatever game they were playing.  


Last one for today. Love you guys. 

I had 4 monster energy drinks in the morning the last 30 min. 

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