The Author

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{over protective writer, trapped}

POV: Tubbo
I opened the door for the thousandth time. Static. It was just static outside. How had someone trapped us here. It wasn't like the prison that had black walls and a guard. It was just a cottage surrounded by a garden with a tall fence surrounding it and a single door leading out. I opened the door again. Same static. I put my hand on it. It felt like touching a live wire. I quickly pulled my hand back, shaking it slightly to get rid of the feeling.

I started to walk along the wall, looking for another exit. As I approached the door again I gave up. I walked back to the cottage and on the porch was a gift basket. How it got there I have no clue but it was there.

I picked it up and headed inside. Tommy and I didn't open these unless we were both there. I put it on the nice kitchen counter. Whatever had locked us in here did seem to care but it wouldn't let us out. The gift baskets had appeared on the third day. Every three days a new one appears. They have food or supplies in them. Once it had something that, when it got knocked over and broken, it spawned a cow. Tommy insisted on paying homage to his old cow and naming it Hernery. I didn't mind.

I called for Tommy and a few minutes later the sleepy blonde came shuffling down the stairs. We started inspecting the basket. It had a letter on it. Tommy opened it and read it for me.

"Dearest Tubbo and Tommy, As you know you are kinda stuck in this safe little haven I made for you. You have one life left each and I have chosen that you don't need to go to war anymore. You must stay safe and be protected. But you also need other people. I understand. I am just the author so you can't meet me. I decided to write in a meeting. Philza will be here tonight. I will allow them to stay for 5 days before the safe zone will kick them out. They can leave freely. At any point in time. You must be aware that they are not from a safe zone so they might die while they are away. Take this information as you wish. Anyway enjoy the sweets and Tubbo I got you a beehive." Tommy took a deep breath and then turned to me.

"Why do they keep saying they are the author? Do they control us?" Tommy didn't want to ask but they came out anyway. He could tell I wanted to ask the same.

"I think they have some control but I also feel like I still have free will. Maybe they just know everything about us?" My tone was questioning.
We decided to go take care of our garden until Phil arrived. I had always found gardening calming even before we were stuck in this place. Just as we finished the door opened and Phil stepped through carefully. Tommy and I rushed to his side.

POV: Third

"Dude. How did you get here?" Tommy asked right away. Phil looked confused and then shrugged.

"I found a door outside my base and I went through it. Have you guys been here this whole time? You have been missing for months." Phil wanted to take them back. Put them in danger.
"I mean yea but listen someone who goes by the name author put us here and they give us stuff. We tried to escape but the door over there only has static behind it for us." Phil walked back to the door he came through.
"Doesn't look like that to me." Phil was perplexed.

"Here read this." Tubbo said, handing the letter from earlier to the man. After he read through it he looked at the boys in shock.

"Holy shit man. We need to get you out of here. You might be safe but don't you want to be with your family and friends again?" Phil was talking calmly.

"We have been trying to." Tubbo replied.

"Well maybe I can help. I have 5 days, right?" Phil smiled at the boys and they all headed inside to plan. Maybe just maybe I would let the boys go but not until Phil could prove he would protect them.

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