Over Bound

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 {overbinding, swearing}

"Wilbur." Wilbur startled. How long had he been zoned out? He made a slight sound instead of an actual response. "Wilbur, come back to me dude." Wilbur looked up and refocused on the screen.

"Sorry Schlatt. I haven't been fully here all day." He shook his head slightly and moved his character again. Schlatt and Wilbur had been messing around on a random server for a bit.

"Wilbur. You are having an off day aren't you?" Wilbur nodded, Schlatt must have been checking the webcams. "How long?"

"Fuck off Schlatt. I can wear it for a bit longer." Schlatt scoffed but resumed playing. After a while of playing and just messing around, Wilbur zoned out again.

"Wilbur. Wilbur." Schaltt called out as he hit the unmoving character. Shortly after his character died, Wilbur got back to reality.

"Asshole, I had stuff on me." Wilbur respawned and beat Schlatt's character to death. After gaining his stuff back he set back to his building project.

"Wilbur, you can't wear it for longer than 8 hours. Go get one of the presidential hoodies I sent you." Wilbur groaned. "I'm not joking. Go now." Wilbur wanted to protest but in the end he thought better of it. He got up and went to change. He took off his binder and threw on a large hoodie. After looking in the mirror he threw on another hoodie.

"Okay I'm back." He sat back down at his desk. Schlatt made a sound of approval. "Schlatt the fuck happened to my stuff." And just like that they went back into the rhythm of their game. 

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