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{migraines, service dog, passing out, meds, swearing} 

Tommy woke up to Clemintine licking his face. He groaned, today was going to be one of those days. Clemintine, or Clem as he called her, was his service dog and that alert meant he was going to have a migraine soon. And when he says migraine he means full vomiting, tunnel vision, sometimes even passing out. He was still waking up but Clem had already brought over his meds. She had a bag she would bring that had anxiety, migraine, adhd and some other meds. He quickly took a migraine one and then got up to get some water.

The world swayed under him. He groaned and Clem was by his side helping lead him to the kitchen.
He got himself a cup of water and chugged it as fast as he could. Refilling it, he planned his day. If the headache was gone by the time the drug wore off then he could probably stream today. Or he could ask Wilbur to make a video with him. After a while of thinking about this the side effects kicked in. He didn't notice it at first. But after trying to push his skin back onto his skull a few times he became aware and quickly made his way to his room, leaving the door open for Clem. When Tommy sat on the bed Clem got up onto it and leaned on him, telling him to lay down. He listened to her and laid down, within moments she was laying gently across his chest. He ran his fingers through her thick blonde fur and let his eyes close.

He woke with a pounding head to the sound of his phone ringing. He quickly muttered every curse he knew and he searched his room for the phone. When he found it he felt stupid. It was on his desk, charging. He looked at it. Wilbur Soot. Incoming call. Clem was nudging his side, trying to get him back in bed before he passed out. He pet her head and then answered the phone, heading over to sit on his bed. Clem put herself over his legs so he couldn't get up without moving her. Wilbur's voice boomed through the small phone speaker.

"Hey Tommy. I was worried you were going to let me go to voicemail." Tommy sighed.

"I wanted to but the ringing was so fucking loud man. You need to turn that down. Wait no that's dumb it's my phone." Tommy kept a hand petting Clem while he spoke. "Also you are way too loud and my phone is at the lowest sound possible."

"Oh sorry Tommy. Have a headache?" Wilbur's voice was quieter but Tommy still cringed at how loud it registered in his head.

"Yea, man, migraine. I took a pill a while ago and Clem will probably alert me when I can take another. I was asleep but you called." Tommy didn't even realize he had mentioned Clem.

"Who's Clem?" Until Wilbur asked that. Shit. Would he think Tommy was lame for needing a dog to tell him this stuff?

"Uh, well she's my dog. She's psychic and can tell when these are coming. She can also tell other shit like if I need my meds for anything else." Wilbur didn't reply for a bit and Tommy checked if he had hung up.

"So like a service dog? That's pog. Does she help?" Tommy audibly sighed in relief.

"Yea man. She helps a lot. I probably wouldn't be al-." Tommy stopped that line of phrasing. It would be true but he wasn't going to tell Wilbur that. "I probably wouldn't be able to make it through my headaches without her. She woke me up this morning so that I could take a pill before it got bad. Even if I do pass out the headache is gone most of the time after." Wilbur made a positive sound of agreement from the other side.

"So probably no stream or video today? I was calling to ask about that." Tommy looked at the time on his phone before answering.

"Well my headache might be gone by then, normally they last about 5-8 hours. And I think I took the first pill around 9. And it is 16 now. So 7 hours. Maybe it will be better in an hour. But who knows. Clem seems to think I might pass out but I am starting to feel a bit better." Tommy was lying through his teeth. It hurt like hell. Wilbur was still on the fact that the migraines normally lasted 5-8 hours. He barely could survive an hour one.

"Well Clem's a psychic so she would know better than you might right?" He wanted to make sure Tommy was safe.

"Yea, she wants me to go to bed." Tommy was interrupted by a bark. "Yes Clem, I'm going to bed. Sorry Clem really thinks I'm go-" Thump, Silence. Wilbur looked at his phone, still on call.

"Tommy?" He waited for a reply before deciding Tommy was out. "Clem, watch over him okay?" He heard a soft woof from the other side as if Clem was agreeing. He hung up and sent Tommy a quick 'call me when you wake up' text before he went back to trying to get a stream ready. He hoped Tommy would be awake by then but who knows.


sorry if my service dog knowledge sucks. i wanted to write this for a while. i have some other service dog ideas but i am going to work on other projects first. i love you all<33

oh and how did i get so many votes so quickly yesterday. no joke i love you guys so much. i can't believe people like my writing. thank you

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