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The first time I got my hair dyed pink it was a joke. I did it to satisfy a dumb bet I made to a friend. Basically the bet was that we could get our friend Fundy to say he was a furry. I bet against it because I thought we were not going to mention the bet to him. But then Dream told Fundy what was happening and he complied. So Dream got the bright pink hair dye and I did it. I hated it for less than an hour before it started to rub off on me.

When it started fading I texted Dream to figure out where he got the dye. I went and got more on my own and pretended not to have redyed it. Dream was the only one who knew. But eventually I wanted to touch it up and Dream was out of town and I did not have the motivation or focus to drive to the store so I had asked Phil to pick some up on the way home from work. He had complied but my secret was out. Everyone knew and I figured that it was okay because they never gave me grief for it.

I have since then had pink hair and once I even did a cosplay for my character. The fans got a kick out of it but I honestly really enjoyed it on my own.

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