Enter Title Here- Sneak Peak

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{Mentions of self harm, suicidal idealization, intrusive thoughts, abuse, panic attack}


Tommy sat at his desk and looked down at his homework. He hadn't thought about how long it would take maybe an hour. He noticed he was light headed and thought back over the day trying to figure out why. His mind settled on the apple. He had eaten it for lunch and now realized that he ate nothing else. He felt proud of that and then felt immensely guilty for feeling proud. He startled when he looked at the clock. 2:30 he had plans with Wilbur in 30 minutes. Not that he particularly wanted to be on call with Wil, but if he missed it today Wil would tell his mother something was off. Wil might anyway because Tommy was definitely going to be less energetic. Tommy thought about streaming the game that Wil and he had planned but in the end decided against it because he didn't want to get up to grab a jumper to cover his arms. The relapse last night wasn't bad exactly but it was on his left wrist almost a complete circle around it. He remembered bending the safety pin to dig deeper and draw more blood. Damn it was a lot of blood. It had been awhile since he had relapsed and Tommy had forgotten how much his arms bled. The camera might not even pick it up but he couldn't risk it. He messaged Wilbur on discord.

Tommyinnit: Can we not stream this

WilburSoot: Yea y tho

Tommyinnit: I am trying to get the courage for something

Tommy pulled up Wil's twitch to make sure he wasn't streaming. He was and Tommy was slightly shocked. As the time crept closer to 3:00, their meeting time, Wil started to act tired and say he was going to log off soon. At 2:56 Wil ended his stream. At 2:59 he called Tommy.

Wilbur sounded hesitant to speak and when he did it was with the soft sound of Ghostbur. "Hey, Tommy"

"Hi, Wil. How are you?" Tommy was just as hesitant but he knew he had to get it out. "I relapsed." Tommy listened intently for Wil's reaction.

"What do you mean you relapsed?" Wil was confused and Tommy could read in his voice the worry. Tommy quickly realized his mistake, Wilbur didn't know, he was going to have to explain it to him.

"I cut last night. I have a line circling my wrist. Please don't tell my mother. I don't want that again." Tommy was close to tears.

Wilbur breathed steadily for a second before asking the questions Tommy knew was coming. "What do you mean you don't want that again? How long have you been doing this? Are you safe? Do you need me to pick you up?"

Tommy's breath became irregular and tears started falling from his eyes. "Please come save me. I can't let them know I did it again. Last time my dad kicked my ribs in." Tommy thought back to last time they caught him with fresh marks. He had been kicked so hard that he had to be taken to the hospital for a rib fracture. He remembered what his father said 'You useless stupid bitch, why do you always try and have attention on you. Is your fan base not enough?'

Wil swore under his breath. "Hold on I am going to come get you. Where are you and can you get outside?"

Tommy looked at his window, it was barely open and he knew he didn't have the strength to open it more. but with how little he had been eating he could probably fit through. The tumble to the ground would hurt though. "Yea I can go out my window. Please hurry, my mom is sleeping downstairs and my dad is at work. Please help."

Wilbur ended the call and was in the car before he even got the address from Tommy. He put the car in drive and drove almost 20 over the speed limit to get there. When he pulled up to the house he sent Tommy a quick message and waited for the boy to appear.

It took Tommy almost 5 minutes to shimmy out the window. Fat bitch. Wil isn't going to want you. You need to stop burdening everyone around you. "Fuck, now isn't the time for this" Tommy hissed at his thoughts. If you run now you can make it to the bridge before he will even notice. He probably would let you anyway. "Damn it." Tommy fought against his thoughts with every step he took to the car. Wilbur saw Tommy's unsteady walk and the way Tommy's head kept snapping towards the edge of town. He knew exactly what was going on in the boy's brain. He jumped out of the car and ran to Tommy. Tommy shook as Wil put his arms around him. Wil picked up the boy who felt like skin and bones. As he walked back to the car the light in Tommy's room turned on and a scream emitted from the house, not one of worry, anger. Once Wil managed to put the now struggling child in the car and buckle him up he got in and drove away. Tommy in his panic couldn't figure out how the seat belt worked and kept screaming. "Let me go. If I go back now maybe they will be nice. Please I can't make them mad."

Wilbur reached behind the seat and got a bottle of water. "Drink it right now." Wilbur's tone was tense. He needed to calm the child down. He reached for the snacks he had also kept in his car but hesitated. If he was that skinny was it because his parents weren't feeding him or because he wasn't eating on his own? This was a different issue then the current situation so he set the bag back down. Tommy who had now chugged the water and calmed down a bit started to cry.

"Tommy look at me." Wilbur's voice was steady but his hands were shaking. Wilbur pulled up his sleeve and showed Tommy a scar that ran up his right arm. "You are not alone. We all have shit. Let's get you somewhere safe where we can deal with this."

Tommy's head started to talk to him again. You're useless. He thinks all you do is cut imagine if he knew the rest of your fucking baggage. You are just doing it for attention. You are so fucking useless and fat and you should probably just go home and take it like a man. The voices sped up to a point where he couldn't hold any of them long enough to understand.

"Wilby, my mom will kill me if I don't go back right now." Tommy pleaded with the driver to turn around but they were already at least 20 minutes away from the house. Wilbur almost cried when Tommy used his nickname. He had only used it once or twice before. And this is not the ideal situation for it to be used in.

"Tommy you know that you can't go back there. I can't put you back into that house." Wil looked calm but focused as he drove to the hotel Techno and Philza were staying in. They had mentioned jokingly that there was a couch bed that was free for Wil if he wanted it. As they pulled up to the hotel Tommy started to shake. Wilbur grabbed his hand before the boy could take off his seatbelt. "Tommy don't take off your seat belt. I don't want you trying to run off." Wil quickly unbuckled and ran around the front of the car where Tommy had disobeyed him and was trying to open the door. Wilbur stood in front of it until the boy calmed down. He then opened the door and grabbed Tommy's closest wrist. It was his left. Tommy hissed and pulled his arm back.

"Shit, Tommy. We need to go, Techno and Phil are here. And I need you to come with me." Tommy slowly stood up and Wil took his hand before leading him into the hotel. Wil kept a firm hand on Tommy the whole way up to the room. When the door was answered a pink haired man looked at them in shock. Tommy's face was red and his eyes were puffy. Wil looked like he was about to collapse. The man, Techno pulled Tommy in first, grabbing his left wrist and pulling him into a hug. Tommy yelped in pain at the wrist grab but melted into the hug. Phil stood behind Techno and motioned for Wil to come in.


I realized I never posted the sneak peak on this. If I have sorry I couldn't find it. This story is called Enter Title Here. It is my original story that is super long and really angsty. Make sure to read the first page for an updated list of triggers for the whole story. Please read it and leave your opinion in the comments.  

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