His Past Life

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{self harm, abuse, improper binding, transphobia, homophobia, slight suicidal implications, swearing, trans techno}

Techno opened the door to his house and set his bag down beside his desk. He sat down at his desk and let his head thump onto the wooden surface. His head started to ache and he picked up his head, put on a bland face void of any emotion, and pulled his homework out of his backpack. He put on his headphones and grabbed a pencil. He opened his workbook. He had a bookmark on the page required for that day and had a folder full of other assignments and papers. He set about working and when he was done with the first few he got up to change. His parents would be home soon so he would have to change back into his closeted self. He went to his room and took off his hoodie and shirt. His pants were older so they worked with any of his outfits.

He looked at the mirror at himself. His pants were too small and his stretchy athletic wrap was bulging with his breasts. He slowly took off the wrap and cringed as the fresher cuts threatened to open. He reached for his nightstand drawer and pulled out the shoebox. He pulled out the small sharpener and tweezers and put the wrap back in. He took the sharpener and removed the screw holding the blade in place. As soon as the blade was free he grabbed it and slid it across his chest in a quick practiced motion. Once, twice, three times. With it he repeated the mantra "I can survive. I will survive. I must survive." He reached back into the box for the small cloth that was already dyed through with blood and pressed it onto the wound, within seconds the blood was mostly stopped.

He kept his mantra going strong in his head as he screwed the blade back into the sharpener and placed it back into the box. He put the rag back on top and closed the box. He put it back into the drawer and closed it. He slipped into a bra and put on his shirt. His chest ached with both the cut and the knowledge of the car turning onto his street. He quickly dashed back to his desk and continued to work on his homework. He pressed at the bra that now made his chest feel like a cancer. As the door unlocked he put his assignments into his backpack and stood to face his father. His father stumbled in with a woman who looked almost as drunk as he did. The woman slurred something about going to the bedroom and his dad looked at him in disgust. He must have misjudged how drunk his father was because he walked up and slapped Techno before he had a chance to register his movement.

"Don't look at my girlfriend like that you useless little dyke." His words were slightly slurred and bit at a part of Techno that he had trained himself to ignore. Techno turned his face down and then realized something horrible. The shirt he had put on had blood seeping through. This was one of his nice shirts that he didn't have extreme dysphoria in. He looked up to see if his dad noticed it but he was already stomping after today's girl. He temporarily thought about leaving but he quickly decided against it and went to make food for when they wanted to eat. Techno made food but before they came down to eat he got tired and he knew better than to eat before them again so he went to bed hungry and dreamed about falling until he felt a thump and was in a dark, dreamless sleep.


no this is not dadza. this is before he was adopted. i originally wrote this for a different oc of mine but i liked how it looked on techno as well.

this is one of my older pieces. what do you think? also do you have a better name for this chapter?

cause it was originally just titled Jace because it was the first with the character but i can't use just Techno cause it wouldn't make sense.

2 post one day wow. anyway i made a bunch more. so yea. lol.

i love you have a good day <33

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