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 {good dream, pushing off roof, clipping wings, bad philza}

Tommy kneeled in front of the wall Dream made and scratched another mark. He counted over them 58, 58 days in exile. He would need to ask Dream for scissors soon if he wanted to keep his wings good. 

Dream knocked on the stone, shocking Tommy out of his thoughts. "Hey Tommy, how are we doing today?" 

Tommy didn't answer the question, simply slipped off the iron armour he had and handed it to Dream. "Hey Dream, since we are friends and all that, can you get me something?" 

Dream cocked his head to the side. "Depends, what do you need?" 

Tommy fidgeted with his sleeve. "I need shears or scissors, I would prefer shears, but scissors work too." 

Dream sat down next to Tommy, with his back against the stone. "Why?" He studies Tommy's face. 

Tommy looked away towards the water. "Just something I have always done. I need to do it soon." 

Dream thought about it. "Are you going to hurt someone? Or break exile?" 

Tommy smiled sadly. "I have no reason to. You have yet to hurt me. Tubbo basically said he didn't care. No one really visits. I don't feel like I need to worry about them here. Like a summer home. It's just something my dad taught me to do. It is kinda a safety thing for avians I guess."

Dream nodded, "Okay, I can get you some shears. Actually I have some here." Dream holding out the shears. 

Tommy looked thankfully at them before taking them and standing. He walked slowly to the beach. He took off his shirt, socks, and shoes and used his hands to begin carefully washing his wings, sitting so he was barely in the water. The feathers were long and looked fairly new, which made sense as he had just finished a molt. 

Dream was surprised at how white they were. He had seen them growing in but Tommy had spread dirt on them and kept them dirty. He pulled out a bucket and went over to him. "Hey Tommy, do you want some help?" 

Tommy turned around, "Yes actually. Can you just pour water over them and like, brush them down gently? Please don't press too hard though." 

Dream nodded and took off his shoes and socks. They waded deeper into the water so it reached their waists. Tommy spread out his wings and Dream poured water over them, carefully brushing them down trying to get dirt and such off. Tommy winced a few times and Dream would pause to make sure he was okay before continuing. 

"Do you do this every molt?" Dream asked. 

Tommy nodded, "Phil helped the first few times but then I started wanting to do it on my own then we kind of grew apart so I have been doing it on my own ever since." 

"Why do you cover them in dirt in the first place?" Dream liked this Tommy. He was calmer, not as angry with everyone. He still talked a lot but it was more personal and interesting. 

Tommy liked talking about his wings, he hadn't been allowed to talk openly back in the main parts of the server because everyone was jealous and even Tubbo would ask him not to talk about it. "If I cover them in dirt while they grow in they will, it's almost like they are absorbing the minerals in the dirt. They get sparkly and they are stronger. It is kinda a like," He paused thinking about how to describe it. "Like a family recipe but for wing care." 

Dream nodded and ran a hand over Tommy's wings one more time. "I think I got all the dirt off. What are the shears for?" 

Tommy blushed and splashed the water lightly with his hands. "I don't really know how to fly. Phil always said he would teach me when I was older but like I said, he got busy. So I just kept clipping them." 

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