Going Home

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Techno stooped to pick up the small bundle of red and pink that came barreling towards him. "Hey Phillis, good morning." He carefully set the child on the ground. Her light pink hair flowing around her face. It was thinner then Techno's so it never seemed to tangle. He quickly scooped it into a single ponytail and then adjusted her cloak. It was red like his but the mantel had a small heart on it. Just one more thing from his father. Her black jeans and jumper were visible under the cloak. She spun around and made a model pose. Techno chuckled and then gave her a head pat. She rushed to the kitchen quickly being followed by Techno. Techno made a quick bowl of cereal and put in front of Phillis who quickly started to gulp down big spoonfuls.

"Careful, eat slowly, don't choke." He chuckled as his daughter frowned but she did slow down. "Hey today I was thinking we could go on an adventure since you are officially a teenager today." He watched as Phillis's eyes grew bright and she sped up her eating pace. He chuckled but didn't tell her to slow down again. When she was done she hopped off her stool and took her bowl to the sink. She filled it with water just as Techno had taught her.

"Hey dad, what do I need to bring?" Her voice was chiper and Techno handed her a list. Sword, axe, gapples, potatoes, light iron armour, change of clothes. She quickly ran to her room gathering her weapons, clothes and armour. Techno had gotten her fitted armour just a week before. When she brought it all out Techno had collected the food into a bag and was fitting his own armour on. He paused to help Phillis who then ran to wait by the door. Techno finished putting his things on and slipped a few splash regeneration potions into his bag. He didn't want to risk Phillis getting hurt on their first outing.

They headed out into the forest surrounding the little village they were living in. When they entered, Techno handed Phillis a torch and she took the lead. As they walked Phillis rambled about a story she had read. It was the story of Odipus Rex and Techno probably could have recited the story but he enjoyed listening to her rambling. They only had one issue with a zombie but Techno quickly dispatched it and Phillis cheered.

"Yea, blood for the blood god." Techno chuckled at Phillis. She had voices too but they often were quiet and when they did speak she would often voice them to whoever was listening. She started to ramble about the different kinds of things that the voices were saying. She liked the skulls for the skull throne the most. She started making jokes and Techno would put in his own jokes every now and then. As they made their way out of the forest into the snow biome on the other side they both went quiet for a bit. The silence was broken when Phillis had a voice. "Philza Minecraft." She said in a strange tone then looked at her father confused. "Dad, who's Philza Minecraft?"

"Well, he's kinda like my dad." Techno looked at Phillis before taking her hand lightly as he began walking again. They took less than an hour to cross to the center of the biome where there was a small cottage. It was bigger than last time Techno had been there but still smaller than their house in the village. As they approached it they both felt a quiet nervousness.

Techno knocked on the door, twice, pausing, three times. It was the code that Philza and him had always used. After a long pause the door was opened cautiously. Another girl around Phillis's age pered out. She had short blonde hair and blue eyes. She wore glasses and a pale pink hoodie. She quickly closed the door and was heard shouting "Dad, the guy from the picture in the living room is here."

not me adding my dead name into oneshots and then having actual issues about it.

also would you be mad if i put a non sbi poem here. it is just one that has been on my mind a lot. can i put it here it's not sbi tho?

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