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{gaslighting, self harm, abuse, suicide idealation}

"There's a billion people on this planet that you could bother but for some reason you choose me." I flinch backwards at Sally's harsh words. "I wish I could give you the attention you ordered but I don't have the energy. You make me cook and clean and then you tell me that you need more help? I am legit tired of being walked over. I am not a welcome mat."

"Sally no, I just wanted to ask if you had seen Fundy's black shirt, it is picture day tomorrow and he asked me to find it. I thought maybe you had started it in the wash." She growls. How did I become this person? I can't do anything for myself. I make her do everything.

She sighs. "Wilbur it is in the dryer right now." I turn and leave. I hear her mutter about how she has to do everything. She's right. I go to work while she stays home and cooks and cleans. I can't believe I managed to manipulate her into this.

I remember last month. She had been hanging out with a guy and I had asked her to stop. She had, no questions asked. I was forcing her to block friends. I was manipulating this woman I loved. I needed to get the shirt then I could deal with this.

I open the dryer and bend over. Inside there is the shirt along with a bunch of other clothes. I pull the clothes into a basket. A quick look through the basket shows me they are all Fundy's. I head up to his room. When I get there Fundy is sitting at his computer. I push the basket into the room.

"Fundy, can you put away your laundry. Your shirt is in there." He hops out of his seat and starts doing as I asked. I walk to my room pulling myself into the bathroom.

I look in the mirror and frown. My skin is too pale, my body ugly. I start to trace all the issues in my form slowly. When I get to my thigh I smile slightly. No, bad, no. We don't think like that. Oh but we do. And we will. Can't be a pussy boy if... Make amends with this.... You deserve it.

I pull the drawer out. A new blade sits there. I had gotten a new one a few days ago. I pull off my clothes and turn on the shower. Pointing the head straight down I sit on the opposite side of the tub. I press the blade into my thigh before I can even think. The pain is nice. I press my finger into the wound. Using one hand to apply pressure and one to make more cuts I start to cry.

I am such a horrible person. I have literally no positive impact here. If I just. Nononononono. We don't do that. I frown and slowly stop crying. I stand and take a shower before getting out and pulling on a pair of sweatpants. After I am all comfy I head to my bed and just let my thoughts drown me in nightmares as I slowly drift to sleep.

another song based one, pog. this one is based off the song Lemons by someone and Cavetown. i love this song and again this isn't the original meaning of the song it is just an interpretation.

also question
would you read a story about sleepybois and that is like a long one. i don't have a title but i do have 43 pages on a google docs so if anyone is interested i can start to put it on here. it would be really angsty and i would have a base explain with the authors note at the beginning of the book.

i need ideas for oneshots too so if you have any please give them to me.

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