Just One Big Happy Family Pt. 4

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{nightmares, suicidal thoughts, insomnia}

Tommy groaned as he walked into his first period. He just wanted to sleep. He was really fucking tired. He hadn't slept at all last night. Or the night before that. He wished he didn't have nightmares that would wake him up screaming. He didn't need to bother the others and he definitely didn't need the constant reminders of his birth parents. He was seated near the front so sleeping was not an option.

He rolled his eyes and sat down. He drowned out all of the lessons and focused on his own things. If he did his homework during lunch he could stream with Tubbo tonight. Unless Tubbo was streaming with Ranboo. Tubbo streaming with Ranboo wasn't supposed to get to him. Tubbo still tried to stream with him and Tubbo would call him almost every night.

He tried to force these thoughts to the back of his mind and then the bell rang. He stood quickly, a wave of dizziness wrapping around him, he rushed out of the room heading to his next class. The students around him were all doing their own thing because it was lunch break but he didn't have anything to do so he often ate in one of his classes. The teachers didn't mind. As much as his personality was loud it was only properly out when he had people to bounce it off of. He got to the class and sat in the back. He put his head on the table and quickly fell asleep.

The bell woke him and he looked around. Students were getting up and leaving. He made eye contact with the teacher who motioned him to her desk. He waited until everyone was gone before approaching. She asked him the normal are you okay and then sent him on his way home. He headed home working on his homework while he walked. He hadn't done anything during lunch so he needed to catch up. After a little while he looked up and realized he was almost home. He quickly put his stuff away and climbed up a tree that he had started spending time in.

As he settled into the seat that felt almost natural he let his mind wander. He held onto the branch in front of him. It always felt like a roller coaster seat because it had a branch going straight in front of the one he was seated on. He looked down. Would it kill him? Probably not. Maybe if he fell directly on his head? Risk of just getting a broken skull. No way to try and not risk surviving dumb ass. He shrugged the rude voice away. He pulled an energy drink out of his bag. He had stolen it from Techno. He chugged the first half of it before he started to relax a bit. He liked to imagine the sugar and caffeine setting into his veins and brain. It gave him a bit of a placebo rush one might say.

After sitting in the tree for another thirty minutes, slowly finishing the drink, he jumped down and started to finish his path home. When he arrived everyone else was already there. They told the boy to get ready to go to the mall. After putting his bag in his room and changing out of the uncomfortable school clothes, he bounced down the stairs and they left the house loud laughs and happy sounds could be heard coming from them. Just one big happy family, right?

that's the last of the one big happy family ones. did you like them?

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