Watch Winding

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{mention of death}

Tommy looked at the pink watch on Techno's desk. He had always wondered why his brother kept it. Techno would always pull it out of the drawer and set it on his desk while he did his makeup. Tommy was currently sitting on Techno's bed watching his brother.

"Hey Techno, why do you never wear that watch. It is like perfect for your aesthetic." Tommy hopped up and walked over to the desk. He picked it up but Techno grabbed it and put it back down before he could really get a look at it.

"Don't touch it. Do you really want to know the story behind it?" Tommy hadn't been expecting a story time but he was all for it.

"Fuck yea, story time with The Blade." He cheered as Techno groaned.

"You can't interrupt me, one inturuption and I won't keep going." Tommy nodded and made a show of zipping his lips shut. "Okay, where to start. So basic story is my mom would have me wind it up everymorening while she did her makeup. I would sit on her bathroom counter and just wind it watching her do her makeup. I always loved how she looked while she did her makeup. Her face looked so concentrated but relaxed like she was thinking of something else, something thousands of miles away." Techno picked up the watch and looked at it.
"Now when I do my makeup I try to imagine doing what she did. I mimic her face as I do my eyeliner. I try to match how my lips pout for lipstick.. When she died I stopped winding it because I couldn't watch her do her makeup and it felt wrong."

The great Techno had slight tear marks running down his face. Tommy jumped up and wrapped his arms around his brother. Techno reciprocated the hug and then finished up his makeup with his little brother now watching him carefully mimicking the faces.

hello. i feel like shit and i have been putting off my homework all week and now have to do it all tomorrow. so that's not pog. i did write a ton of these and will but uploading them slowly but i'm just so tired right now. anyway have a good day. <33

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