Broken Frame; Broken Family

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{self harm, blood, broken glass}

Wilbur was looking at the frame. It had fallen when he slammed the door. The picture was of the first birthday Tommy had with them. Tommy was 8 with his eyes squeezed shut. Techno was standing in the background with the sword that they had worked so hard to make. Tubbo was looking at the weapon in shock. Wilbur remembered taking the picture in excitement. The next picture was too blurry but Tommy's reaction was great. It had been the best day that year.

His favorite picture lay in the shattered glass.

Now Techno had been betrayed and even though he wouldn't admit it he felt guilty for it. He knew that Techno only wanted anarchy and that Tommy and Tubbo would make a new government. He felt bad for helping both sides, making impossible promises.

Before he could register it he was crouched over the picture. He quickly picked up the longest shard.

He shrugged off his jacket and lifted his shirt revealing the rows or pretty little punishments. Phil had taken his blade the other day. He lifted the glass to his hip. He inhaled sharply when it made contact. He relaxed into the motion and before he knew it he had ten new lines. Blood was dripping down his skin. He sighed before putting a cloth over his new wounds. He pressed hard. After the bleeding stopped he went and took a shower. Crying into the warm water, pretending Sally was back at his side. Pretending he had never tried to balance his brothers when they were so far from even.

When he finally got out the water had gone cold and he was late for a meeting. He barely registered getting dressed and leaving only really tuning back in when his name was said as he walked into the meeting.

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