Littlespace Karl #2

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{littlespace, body image issues}

Sapnap and Karl were at the mall. Sapnap had insisted they go because he wanted to get some new accessories and he needed to get Quackity a birthday present. Thus Quackity was left at home, he was streaming so he didn't mind.

When Sapnap goes shopping with people he always has them try things on and will often buy an outfit for them if they like it. So while Sapnap was trying on everything in the store he tried to pick out some things for Karl too. When they put all their things into a dressing room he and Karl both started changing. Sapnap changed quickly, he always did. Karl took more time than usual.

Sapnap noticed that Karl's eyes kept getting drawn to the mirror and his facial expression was not a good one, he could tell even with the mask covering most of his face. He went behind him and snaked his arms around Karl's waist. Karl jumped at the contact before relaxing into him, wrapping his own arms around himself to cover more of his body.

"I hate it Sapnap. All of it, not just my arms, not just my stomach, all of it. I just want to be small all the time so I don't think about it." Karl had tears running down his face.

Sapnap turned him around and looked him in the eye. "You can be small anytime you want. But Karl, I love taking care of you whether you are little or big. If that means getting little outfits or if it means telling you you are beautiful every moment of the day, because it is true and I will, or if it means making you a new train track ."

"But we are at the mall, and I don't have any of my stuff." Karl sniffled and wiped his eyes. Sapnap could tell he was already slipping slightly.

"That is okay. We can get you a cute outfit here then go get a paci if you want one, but remember the rules." Sapnap made sure to talk softly, doing his best to help Karl regress.

Karl sniffled, "Don't talk to strangers, stay with Daddy, keep mask on." As he listed the rules, he slowly let himself slip into littlespace. "Hold Daddy's hand if it is crowded, if lost go to a store and talk to the worker there, if hungry ask for food."

"There you go, good job remembering all the rules. Now, do you want to go get something cute, like those short shorts and thigh high socks you love so much?" Sapnap walked over to his things and got them put together while Karl thought.

"I kinda want to get something like what you wear but shorts are comfy." Karl looked nervous.

Sapnap nodded. "Well we can work with that. Let's go look around."

Karl beamed and made a small jump of joy. "Yay." He cheered as he reached for Sapnap's hand and led them out of the dressing rooms.

Sapnap started pointing out things that he thought Karl would like until they had more clothes than Sapnap was getting for himself. "Okay, lets go try these on."

Karl hesitated for a second before nodding and going back to the changing rooms. "Can you help me change?" He asked quietly.

Sapnap nodded and put the thing on the bench. "Should we do outfit 1, 2, or 3 first?"

Karl looked at the three and pointed at one of them, he hadn't been paying enough attention to know which one was what number.

Sapnap held it up before taking the pieces off the hangers and helping Karl into them. When he was done he turned Karl to face the mirror.

Karl giggled. "I look like Daddy now."

Sapnap smiled. "You do. Do you want to try on the other ones or is this the one?"

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