Little Space Karl

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{little space, mama q}

When Sapnap woke up he knew Karl was little. Three things gave him away.

One, Karl had on thigh high rainbow socks and pale blue shorts with a pale pink t-shirt.

Two, Quackity wasn't in bed and by the smell of it he was cooking.

Three, he had an almost tearful expression until he realized Sapnap was awake.

"Daddy!" Karl cheered, confirming his little space, as Quackity appeared in the doorway into their shared room. Quality hushed him softly then looked into the room.

"Oh Sapnap, good morning. Can you help me with Mr. 7 year old? He thinks he is too big for the high chair but too little to eat on his own. I am trying to cook for lunch today cause we have guests coming at noon." Quackity managed to fill Sapnap in on all he needed to know with only three sentences.

"Yea, gimme a sec to get ready. Hey Karl can you go sit at the table while I get ready. I'm sure Mama would love to hear a story about Mizu or something." Sapnap said as Quackity led Karl back to the kitchen.

Sapnap laid across the bed diagonally, taking up as much space as he could. He sighed before getting up. If he didn't feed Karl, Karl wouldn't eat. He knew from experience. He quickly put on a black long sleeve, white overshirt. Black jeans but he left all the chains off knowing Karl liked to less with them and could accidentally break them.

When he reached the kitchen he was met with a hyper looking Karl and a tired looking Quackity. "Hey Karl, ready for breakfast?" Karl nodded happying. Sapnap sat down and pulled Karl into his lap. He used the little plastic spoon to feed Karl his oatmeal. When Quackity was done working magic in the kitchen, he came and sat across from them at the table. Quickly pulling out his phone he snapped some pictures.

"Do we have time to play out back?" Sapnap asked Quackity. Karl's attention swiveled to Quackity upon hearing the question. Quackity checked his watch.

"Sorry guys. We can play with trains upstairs if you want." Karl nodded standing.

"Mama plays trains with me. Daddy eats breakfast." He was always a thoughtful kid and even though it seemed like he was demanding attention from his mother they could say no at any time, they just didn't.

Sapnap giggled and Quackity stood to go play. Sapnap got his own bowl of oatmeal and ate quickly so he could go play with his little boy and fiance.

When he got up there, Quackity and Karl had already set up most of the track. Sapnap got the box with the actual trains in it down from the top shelf and Karl was quick to assign everyone their train. They played with trains until the doorbell rang.

"That would be the company." Quackity got up and rushed out of the room. Karl's eyes started to water when he realized his mama was gone.

"Oh no, baby it's okay. Do you want to go say hi to the company with Mama?" He nodded and Sapnap picked up the little. Heading downstairs, Sapnap muttered sweet nothings to the still slightly upset boy.

When they reached the bottom of the steps Karl wiggled out of Sapnap's arms and rushed to Quackity. Quackity had been talking to Wilbur while Tommy and Tubbo were watching whatever show they had pulled up on the television.

"Hey baby, did you miss Mama?" Quackity opened his arms and Karl jumped into them. Holding the little to his hip, he turned back to Wilbur who was looking questioningly at Karl then at Tommy. He shook his head slightly. Karl snuggled his head into Quackity's shoulder. Sapnap walked up behind them.

"Hey Wilbur, how are you?" Wilbur shook himself out of his daze and refocused on the conversation.

"I'm good. Thank you for offering to do a meet up with us. Tommy will probably want to vlog later." He looked over at the boys who were now bickering about the tv. "Hey boys calm down. Come say hi to our hosts. Be polite." Tubbo politely came over and waved, he started talking with Karl, who was quite perspective.

Tommy was not so polite.

"Big Q. Man why are you so short?" Quackity groaned and readjusted how he was holding Karl, who wiggled to signal he wanted down. "I mean I'm the youngest and I am taller than you." Wilbur swatted the back of Tommy's head and he shut up.

Tubbo had given Karl one of his bee stuffies to play with. They had moved to the living room to do so. Tommy turned to Wilbur.

"He's like me isn't he. He seems older though." Wilbur nodded and Quackity and Sapnap exchanged a curious glance before showing them to the table where they could eat and calling the other two in.

Karl insisted on Tubbo sitting next to him and that he could eat on his own like a big kid but in the end Quackity had to help him. But Quackity didn't mind taking care of his little duckling.


sorry it's not as good. but i tried and i love little space karl. if u are reading little karl anywhere pls @ me. i beg you.

anyway how are you?

by the way. does anyone want some angsty karl little space? i have an idea for one. something involving scars and shit.

watching tommy's revival stream put me in little space and idk y.

also slighy dark head cannon. karl used to carve the names of people to stay away from in his arm when he started forgetting shit. so named like schlatt and dream and shit. but quackity made him stop and now instead quackity helps him write names of loved ones on his arms in henna so it stays longer.

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