A Siren's Call Pt. 2

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{panic attack, blood} 

POV: Wilbur

I jolted upright and took in my surroundings. My room with all my things. I try to remember what happened before I was here but I can't. I open my mouth to call for Phil but decide against it when I hear unfamiliar voices coming from the ground floor. I stood gently and tried to be quiet as I got dressed into actual clothes. As I stepped out of my room I could feel the uncomfortable atmosphere in the house. I crept down the stairs and into the kitchen avoiding the living room where the voices were coming from. I heard Phil excuse himself to get the people a cup of tea before he opened the door and closed it behind him.

"Hey Wilbur, you should probably head back to your room and get some rest." He said it in a whisper which told me something was happening. He set about making tea.

I opened my mouth to speak but nothing came out. My eyes glossed over but the darkness wasn't coming. I tried to breath in but my lungs weren't working. I hit the wall next to me to get Phil's attention. He turned around holding a mug of steaming tea. When he saw me struggling to breath he dropped it. The sound was too loud. I reached up to cover my ears. I kept trying to speak. Suddenly there was a whole lot of commotion and the sound of a splash potion and then the darkness finally encompassed me.

POV: Philza

As soon as I realized Wilbur was struggling to breath I dropped the mug. Instantly regretting it as the sound triggered something and Wilbur reached to cover his ears. In his panic he had started to scratch at the sides of his head. Blood started to bloom around his ears. I rushed to the cabinet with the potions and pulled out a sleeping potion. The door to the living room was opened by the princex and they rushed to Wilbur's side. They tried to mutter reassurances but Wilbur was too far into his panic.

"Step away please." The princex looked up at me in confusion then registered the splash potion in my hand. They stepped out of range and I slammed it on the ground. The princex's handmaid appeared in the doorway seconds later. Wilbur was slouched sleeping in the corner, blood dripping down his face. The handmaid's eyes were panicked but the princex quickly reassured him that Wil was okay.

"I'm sorry about that. His vocal cords are a bit used up right now and he tried to speak and well it didn't work. I should clean up his head. Feel free to set up a bed for yourself in the living room. We will work on getting the guest bedroom cleaned up tomorrow." They nodded and I set about cleaning up Wil's head before carrying him up to his room.

As I returned to the living room they were finishing putting the sheets on the pull out bed on the couch. "I'm so sorry. Can you explain more on what you mean when you say your parents didn't return from world spawn?"


just in case you didn't know. i made the new book. go check it out. i now have 3 mcyt books and i love any feedback you have. <33

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