Radiation Muteness

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{radiation poisoning, coma, awsamdad, mute, attempted murder, good niki, swearing} 

Tommy was playing around in the crater, without a radiation suit. Tubbo had tried to stop him but Tommy claimed he was a big man and would be fine. Tubbo knew that he would still get radiation poisoning but all he could do was get him out of the crater when Tommy passed out, which happened less than a minute after he jumped in. Niki and Jack stood off to the side and when he collapsed Niki covered her mouth in shock but Jack just stood there.

"Come help me, you idiots." Tubbo screamed up to them. Niki was in action before Jack could stop her. She jumped down twisting her ankle but she was too occupied with Tommy. She quickly pulled Tommy up and Tubbo helped find a way out. When they got out Tubbo messaged Awsamdude. He got a reply telling him to take him to Puffy. He quickly relayed this to Niki who nodded and headed to the way out.

When they arrived at Puffy's house they went in, not bothering to knock. Puffy already had been updated on Tommy's condition and had a bed cleared off for him. Within minutes Puffy had assessed and stabilized Tommy's condition. He was definitely in a coma but she had hopes he could wake up. Tubbo was crying on the couch muttering about if only he had made Tommy put on a suit.

"Hey Tubbo, you know he wouldn't have worn a suit if you had tried to make him. It is not your fault." She tried to help but he just cried harder. She wrapped her arms around him and tried to mutter calming sentences but everything seemed to remind him that Tommy was in a coma.

(Time skip because Tubbo is not the main focus here)

Tommy woke with a start, bolting upright. He looked around, he didn't know where he was. Tubbo was sleeping across the room from him. Niki walked in a moment later. She held a soup that was presumably for Tubbo but gave it to Tommy as soon as she noticed he was up.

"Hey Tommy, how are you feeling?" Her voice seemed genuine but he had just spent a month in a coma having nightmares of her and Jack killing him. He shrugged and opened his mouth to wake Tubbo. Nothing came out. He grabbed his throat and looked at Niki in terror and confusion. She quickly left the room, kicking Tubbo lightly to wake him up. 

"Good morning, Tommy oh gods. Tommy!" Tubbo jumped up and squeezed Tommy into a hug. "Tommy, you have been out for almost a month. We were so worried. I told you to use a radiation suit." Tubbo spoke so quickly Tommy struggled to process it.

He opened his mouth but again nothing happened. "Puffy, Help, Tommy's awake, can't talk." He held his friend close. Puffy stormed through the door with a bag of medical supplies. Niki must have told her and she must have been waiting outside.

"Tubbo off the bed, I need to do a check up to make sure he is okay." Tubbo reluctantly stepped back and let Puffy do her thing. After a quick check up she focused on the last bit. "Tommy, can you try and talk." Tommy opened his mouth for the third time and this time managed to get a soft squeak but nothing more.

"Okay, Tommy do you want a book to write stuff down in?" Tubbo already was holding one towards him. Tommy took it and started writing.

'Niki and Jack wanted me to die in the explosion. I know it.' Puffy read it and then sighed.

"Yea Niki told us what Jack was saying. He is currently awaiting trial for his crimes of trying to frame a kid. She says she doesn't want to kill you anymore but she is still monitored. It was her idea actually." Tommy nodded and started writing again.

'Can I go see her again? Also how is everyone?' Puffy read it and then helped him up.

"I'll explain on the way to Niki's house." After getting Tommy into a wheelchair the three of them started heading to Niki's.

"So Awsamedude finished your hotel. He did some extra stuff but mostly that is it. Bad and the Eggpire have been getting worse but the egg has been left vulnerable and Techno is working with Ranboo to break it. Philza went missing shortly after you went into a coma. But came back recently and has been hiding at Techno's. The others have all been doing their own things." As they walked they had to often cut back the sticky red vines. Tomy was glad that the egg was being dealt with and he was also excited to see his hotel. He wrote this down and showed it to Tubbo who spoke out for him.

"I'm glad the- techno is dealing with the egg. Can we see the hotel next?" Puffy nodded. And Tubbo ran the few steps to Niki's door.

Niki opened it and when she saw Tubbo and Tommy she looked uncomfortable. "I'm sorry Tommy. I shouldn't have listened to Jack." Tommy held up his book.

'It is ok, I am kinda useless, I can't talk now tho. Maybe you and I can go get that spruce wood you wanted.' Niki was shocked.

"Can't talk, like mute?" She looked at Puffy who nodded and then at Tubbo who shrugged. "I'm sorry Tommy. I would love to go get spruce with you but this time let's stay out of the nuke zone." Tommy nodded his eyes sparkling with humor. He wrote some more things and handed it to Puffy who read it and nodded.

"Okay, let's go visit your hotel." Niki waved them goodbye and closed the door with a click. After a while longer of sitting in the wheelchair Tommy got restless. He motioned to stop and Puffy watched ready to help him as he slowly stood. He walked, leaning on Tubbo, the rest of the way.

Tommy tried to say 'holy shit, that's fucking poggers' before remebering her couldn't speak. He dropped to the ground slightly off balancing Tubbo who he had been leaning on and pulled out his book. He wrote it out along with a ton of other praise for Sam Nook and Awsamdude. He looked up to see Puffy talking with Awsamdude. Tommy clapped once to get attention before handing the book to the other man. He read it, his eyes tearing up towards the bottom. The other two people looked at him confused.

"Tommy, are you serious? Phil might.'' Awsamdude started but he let his words fade away when he looked at Tommy. He had that stubborn look on his face and Sam almost cried. "Yes Tommy I can ask Phil for the paperwork." It clicked in Tubbo's head first. 

"Tommy, you and I will be cousins!" (in this au puffy and awsamdude are siblings.) This exclamation made Puffy's eyes tear up. She quickly pulled Tommy into a hug and then Sam came over and joined the hug. Tubbo didn't like being out of it so he squeezed next to Tommy and enjoyed the hug with them all.

Puffy had happy tears running down her face and Tommy had a happy smile. After a while they all let go and Sam helped show Tommy the hotel. After all of that was over Tommy and Tubbo went back to Puffy's house and Puffy and Sam went to Phil's to get adoption paperwork.


oh my gods. thank you all for the support. you have no idea how much all the nice comments and even just the votes help boost my mood. it tells me people like what i make and that makes me so happy. just thank you. also i might go dark for a little while while i get some of my school shit together but i have some drafts that i can post slowly but yea.

also to the person who requested cats. it is in the works. and i made a few other cat based prompts to do when i can.

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