U Locks Pt. 2

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{panic attack, past abuse, mention of slavery, self harm?}

Tubbo woke up the next morning confused and disoriented. Where was he? What were his chores? Did he have a list? Why did his mouth feel funny? He felt his lips. Oh that. He quickly put the lock back on and this time locked it shut with the key Techno had given him. Setting the key down on the nightstand, he quietly snuck down the stairs hoping he wasn't too late to make breakfast. As he reached the bottom he registered the sounds coming from the kitchen. Quickly he entered to go help.

Phil noticed him almost immediately. "Hey Tubbo, how are you? You don't have to wear that, you know." Tubbo nodded softly then tilted his head. Phil understood. "Do you want to help? You don't have to." Tubbo nodded shifting on his feet. Phil motioned for a bowl of batter, it was already mixed but he wanted to make sure Tubbo didn't freak out. "Can you mix that please? It would help a lot." Tubbo's eyes sparkled as he nodded and set to work.

Techno was next to come down which was surprising to Phil but he noted how much attention he was paying to Tubbo and brushed it off as protective. Techno sat at the counter just watching as Tubbo continued to mix until Phil took the bowl and poured a bit of batter into the bowl. Tubbo stood awkwardly in the corner.

"Hey Tubbo, why do you still wear that? Isn't it uncomfortable?" Tommy startled everyone. Normally he slept in till noon but when he realized his cuddle buddy was gone he had woken up quite quickly.

Tubbo shrugged. He didn't try to speak because the bar would get in the way. "Hey mate. Can you take it off to eat? Pancakes are ready." Phil wanted to get Tubbo used to being without it. "No Tommy, wait till Tubbo has had some." He swatted Tommy's hands away. Tubbo nodded then left the room to get the key. He returned shortly after, giving the key to Phil. Phil quickly unlocked it and set it by the sink.

"Sir, you guys should eat first." Tubbo's voice was barely audible but Phil caught it.

"Nonsense. You are the newest here, you eat first." Tubbo opened his mouth to argue but Phil handed him a plate and pointed to the seat next to Techno. Tubbo reluctantly took a seat and slowly started eating.

"May I ask, Sir, why are you guys so kind to me? I am definitely not working for it. I feel like I somehow have forced you to do this." Techno this time was the only one who heard.

"I used to be a slave of sorts but Phil has a big heart and a thing for helping those in situations worse than him so I guess it is just how we roll now. It takes time to realize you really do deserve to be treated like this but trust me you do." Tubbo nodded thoughtfully at the words. Phil handed Techno a plate of pancakes then Tommy. "Also Tubbo, that lock thing will be much better as a relic then actually used. They can be dangerous. I get the whole 'dad's last gift' but honestly you can keep it without wearing it." Tubbo shuddered a bit but nodded.

"I can try to not wear it I guess." Techno nodded and refocused on his food. The day went on fine for the most part. Tubbo helped Phil here and there, got dragged away by Tommy a lot. It wasn't until Tommy and Techno started fighting that he started having issues.

"Tommy just go play with Tubbo. Why do you need me for this?" Techno was yelling, mostly because Tommy was downstairs and he was upstairs but Tubbo sensed anger in the air. He bit down to try and stop from whimpering. When his teeth chattered together he started to panic. He remembered all the times he had been left with it off and his owner had come home mad at him for taking it off even though he had tried to get it back on.

He put his wrist in his mouth to try and stop the panic growing in his mind but it was too late. Phil noticed quickly and rushed over. Phil's first goal was to get the boy to stop biting his arm. Then he could worry about the panic attack. He gently put a hand on the boy's arm but removed it when Tubbo flinched violently.

"Tubbo." He murmured softly. "Hey guys shut up." He called wincing when Tubbo flinched again. "Tubbo, buddy can you take your arm out of your mouth please." Tubbo didn't move if anything he dug his teeth into his arm harder. "Tubbo can you hear me?" Phil moved his foot slowly to be touching the scared boy's foot. Tubbo froze. Slowly he removed his teeth from his arm and looked up. Phil was standing in front him. Tommy was behind him looking worried.

Tubbo's breathing was still labored but it was slowly settling. "Tubbo can you hear me?" Phil tried again. Tubbo nodded softly. "Are you okay?" Tubbo rubbed his arm and winced but nodded. "Can I get you anything? Some water maybe? Some ice or bandages for that arm?"

Tubbo nodded and spoke just above a whisper. "Can I have some water and my lock please? I was trying not to need it but please." Tears fell down his face and he felt like he was a disappointment, he couldn't do what Techno asked for even a day. Phil nodded and motioned to Tommy who scurried out of the room.

"Tubzo? Here's your water. And here is your lock thingy." Tubbo looked over to see Tommy setting the lock and key down as he held out the cup. He quickly drank some of the water before setting the bar between his teeth. He tightened it down and then locked it.

"Hey Tubbo can I make sure it is put on right?" Tubbo nodded slightly and Phil slowly moved over to check it was on right. It was and he nodded. "Okay it is as safe as it gets so anything else you need?" Tubbo shook his head and took a servant pose. "Tubbo, have you ever seen a movie?" Tubbo gave him a confused look before looking back down. "Do you want to? Tommy's favorite is Up but we can watch anything." Phil moved to the couch and pat the cousin next to him. Tubbo slowly moved to sit.

Phil pulled up the list of movies that they had and watched Tubbo look at them. At some movies Tubbo would scrunch his eyebrows and at others he would lean forward. He tried to keep still but the slight movements helped Phil pick one that he seemed interested in.

While the movie was playing Tommy sat in between them and Tubbo leaned against him and slowly fell asleep. Phil discreetly took a picture and left the boys be.


Sooo is this good? I don't know if it is good.

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