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{overworking, not sleeping} 

Tubbo and Tommy were sitting in their shared office. They were both running on less than an hour of sleep and a single apple. It was all they had time for. Tommy was doing paperwork, it looked a lot like a worksheet you might get in school except instead of it getting an F if you did it wrong, you could sign away your entire nation accidentally. Tommy's eyes were getting heavy but he had to finish this stack before he could go to sleep. He counted the pages, 12.

He looked up at Tubbo who was working on a speech and planning for a meeting. Tubbo had made plans to talk to Dream but he knew better then to go in unprepared. He didn't even look tired but it was the looping of his pen as he drew absentmindedly on the side of the page that gave him away. Only Tommy would notice, and Tommy knew that his work was just as important.

He considered telling Tubbo to go to bed and work on it in the morning but instead he focused back on his own work. He read the new page in front of him. When had the page been switched out? It was a merchant asking for permission to trade in L'Manburg. He filled it out quickly, triple checking his work before putting it in the outgoing box on his desk.

The ingoing box was empty for once. He went back to his work. Tubbo was finishing up the last touches to the speech and other things to say or keep the discussion on. If anyone found the notes they wouldn't be able to read it but he could make out some of the words and he figured that would be enough. He stood feeling light headed and went over to Tommy.

He pulled Tommy's pen out of his grasp and Tommy looked up in surprise. One look at the poor president told Tommy all he needed to know. He helped Tubbo over to the bed in the office. Tubbo had horrible nightmares if he slept in a room without Tommy so he had beds in almost all of the rooms Tommy worked in. He curled up and fell asleep as he heard Tommy return to his stack of papers.

Tommy rubbed his eyes and slowly refocused on his work. He counted the pages, 14. 14 pages until he could sleep. Wait 14? Surely not. He counted again. Yup 14. Must have miscounted before. He started working on the next one. A statue was going to be built to remember the original founders. The paper left Wilbur out only including Tommy and Tubbo with a small mention of Schlatt on the plaque. He scratched out Schlatt's name, putting in Wilbur. Schlatt had killed Tubbo, Wilbur had gone insane. He thought Wilbur deserved the mention more than Schlatt.

After another hour or so of working he finished his stack. He went to Tubbo's desk. Tubbo always had some documents to do even after he went to sleep. Tommy sorted through them looking for ones he could help with. In the end he had a stack of maybe 30 documents. Most just needed Tubbo's signature but others would be a bit more work. He set about faking Tubbo's signature on ones he knew Tubbo agreed with. He made a stack for ones that he needed to check with Tubbo on then he worked on the other ones. When he finished he put all the paperwork back on Tubbo's desk and went over to the bed.

He slipped off his shoes before wrapping his arms around Tubbo and falling asleep just as the sun was beginning to rise.


if you want a pt 2 i will make one of them turn to the bottle. just so you know.

three updates one day pog?

i hâte that books don't have trigger warnings for suicide and stuff. like i had to read a book for school and it had no triggers not mental health ties and suddenly it is a suicide scare like what the fuck. also the last chapter of it was totally pointless and ruined the ending. book was called girl gone viral. it absolutely sucked. i'm now panicking cause it had the whole suicide scare and had a weird thing in that that isn't doing good things for my mental health. sorry for this rant.

how are you? i wish u the best <33

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