Soldier, Poet, King- Sneak Peak

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{mentions of alchoholism and war, voices}

"He is legit a child. He isn't even 18 yet. How can he properly make these decisions?" The king spoke as if I wasn't in the room. Honestly I probably didn't look like I was paying much attention. I had one leg over the chair arm, my red cloak draped over the back of it. My black boots had been discarded earlier and I was in my black slacks and my white button up. My red vest had been unbuttoned and pushed off my shoulders. It looked more like a shawl. My white stocking clad feet were flicking idly.

I know I took over the kingdom at a young age but I had too. It was either that or let my uncle take over. My uncle was an angry drunk and he would drink the kingdom into debt without another thought.

"Listen King umm," I looked over at my aid who mouthed Dream at me. "King Dream. I have been running my kingdom for three years. I have seen my kingdom through almost twice as many wars. Not including the one I took over in the middle of. I understand if you think that I am too young to do business with but I will not sit here while you act like I am not even in the room. My offer is final. Either you remove your men from my kingdom or you can pay my tarifs. I will not have people trading on my land without paying the local tarifs." I wanted to scream. I already went over this in my letters but he had insisted on me face to face. Probably an intimidation tactic. I would tell that my aid is pissed off at their behavior but I had given up caring.

"Yes. I guess you are right. I will tell my trading guilds to pay the tariffs but it is your job to enforce it." I nodded and motioned to a guard. The guard moved into action instantly. He led the King and his two advisors out of the room.

"Go send a letter to the towns with his traders. Tell them to enforce all local and kingdom tarifs. Give them the option to double local tariffs as well." I motioned to an assistant. She hurried out of the room.

I made a slit throat motion at the scribe who scribbles down some last notes before closing the record book and putting it on the desk. He then turned to leave the room. I turned to my aid.

"So how did that go overall?" She shrugged and then looked at her watch. Whatever time she saw disappointed her and she frowned.

"It is much later than I would like. Let's go to bed. King Dream took way too long with all his rambling about age differences." I smiled at her and stood. We walked together but we didn't talk. I normally take this time to go over the day's events but today I sent it thinking about my life overall. The other king was right. I was way younger than any king had the right to be.

I had to take over after my dad and mom were killed during a war. I had barely survived the attack and my uncle had been the only other choice. I was 14 at the time but even then I was smart enough to know my uncle was a bad idea. Now I am 17 now and after I had finished the war I took over in the middle of, all the kingdoms around us had chosen to try and take over. People took my young age as a sign of weakness but they quickly learned the opposite was true. I was good to my people so they had stood fast on what side they were on.

I only lost one town and I still send them supplies hoping that when they fight against their oppressors they will come back to me. I think they are currently doing that but I haven't been able to get any contact with them for almost three months. Now I have to deal with the more trivial things such as tariffs and border relations. We have a free immigrant policy that surrounding lands didn't like.

However when they tried to get us to change it I put it to the public people to choose. The people wanted those because they saw how terrible some of the other kingdoms were. I even made a bunch of hospitals at the edges of the kingdom because of how many people would arrive in such terrible shape.

The people had a slight issue with their taxes because while I tried to make sure everyone got enough to deal with local problems such as roads and plumbing, it was difficult when the smaller towns sent less and got more. Then I broke up the taxes into local and kingdom taxes. I use most of the kingdom taxes for border security and stuff but sometimes people would petition me to help them with things such as disaster funds. I try my best to keep my people happy.

We started a new homeless fund after the last war because of the amount of people who arrived. We were building mass housing in places that had been unfit for farming. We moved people who were craftsmen into these and then helped the homeless learn to farm.

My aid has been helpful. Well I call her my aid but really she is my nanny. She has been teaching me about running the kingdom since I could read. She was a close friend to my parents. She knew my mom before my mom was even married to the king. My mom had been a peasant woman who didn't even care about politics. My dad had originally married her to get the people on his side of a war and then fallen deeply in love. My mom was not so easy. They had slept in separate rooms for the first three years of their relationship. I knew their story by heart. Enough back story.

My aid coughed slightly to get my attention. We were outside of my room. I had never moved into the King's room. It always felt like my dad still owned it. Just like how I still wore my prince crown instead of my father's. I forced a smile and nodded. As I stepped into the door I immediately slumped over. My posture was shit I will admit to that but I faked it during the day so that no one called me informal. I walked over to my bed, throwing my crown on the nightstand and slipping my cloak over the little stand in the corner. I take off my clothes and put on my pajamas.

"Hello." I hear the voice and crouch down, ready to attack. "No. I am not in your room. Well I am but I am in your head so it is only in your room to the extent that you are in your room." I looked around. Everything looked normal and I couldn't identify where it was coming from.

"Who the hell are you and where did you come from?" I growled out the words quietly.

"I am called Philza Minechat by some and I don't exactly know where I come from. I know a lot though and I am trying to be helpful." I scoffed. I must be going insane. Hearing things is not normal.

"Prove it." Maybe I asked because he could be useful but I don't really know. I stood and forced myself to relax. I moved to my bed and laid down. If it is someone here to kill me I guess I was dead.

"That village that you lost. They are suffering. You need to go and protect them. They have a champion that will need your help to fully free the town." I groaned. "Do you wish to sleep? I can sing you a song." I groaned again. He starts to hum a calm song. It reminded me of my mom. She used to sing that song.

I tried not to get tired but I hadn't slept in a few days so my eyes slowly drifted shut.


here ya go. another book. Again, if you like it go look at it, not much is up but I am working on chapter 2

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