Just One Big Happy Family Pt. 1

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{Vomit, eating disorder, self harm, blood}

Phil closes the door to the bathroom and locks it. Even though everyone is at school he still needs to make sure they can't get in. He kneels at the toilet and gags himself until vomit comes out. Bile and chunks of food stare back from the toilet bowl. He makes himself gag a few more times until he is sure it is all out. He doesn't deserve it anyway. He pulls off his cloak revealing the light gray wings. He stretches them feeling the walls around him brushing the tips of them. He reaches up and grabs a feather at random. He yanks hard. It pulls out and blood starts to bead at the spot the feather came from.

He stands shakily. He looks into the mirror. He started at the top. His messy blonde hair was sticking out at all angles. His eyes looked dead. His nose didn't quite fit his face. His lips were too thin. His neck looked fat and his shoulders were too close. His wings were tufted and had bald spots where he had pulled to many feathers. His body felt fat and heavy. He sighed and yanked at more feathers. This time a chunk of skin came with them. Blood started to soak his feathers and fall onto the ground. He shivered and started to clean it up. He wrapped a bandage around the worst bit. He shrugged back on his cloak.

He walked down the stairs and started to clean up the house. He would need to go to the store later but he could take the boys and they could get ice cream. After he was done cleaning he sat down and started to watch a show. He mostly just let it play while he sat there thinking. Eventually his kids came home and they all went to the mall together. Just one big happy family, right?

i have 4 of these. i will be posting one a day unless you guys want th sooner. but i have the other 3 sleepybois for this so  yea.

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