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{drowning, temporary death, abuse, slight claustrophobia}

How long have I been stuck here? How long have I been using up the oxygen? When would I get out? Could I dig around to get more space? Or would that trigger the blocks above me to fall? Would I die here? I hate dying. I would miss a day of school and probably have sand and pebbles stuck in my hair for weeks. When I drowned last year I had water dripping out of my mouth for almost 3 weeks. I started rummaging through my backpack. Do I have anything? I have an axe and a flint and steel. Damn. How do I get out like this? Did I have my communicator? I could send a message maybe.

I can't see enough to look around and I don't want to light the fire cause it would use oxygen quickly. I walk to the edge of the small room. I run one hand along the edge gently trying my best not to disturb the sand and gravel surrounding me. Some of it fell but not enough to make my space any smaller. I feel on the ground with my other hand, walking on my knees. One corner has a small wet area but the rest is empty. I feel the small water area and it was deep. If I came through that way then I must be able to get out but I can't see out so I might lose my way.
I slip into the small cavern and dip my head under. I start swimming in one direction until I see a light coming from above. I quickly start swimming up to the light and suddenly I break the surface into a small room. It is almost as small as my previous area but it is well lit and has a chest. Inside the chest I find a communicator and quickly send out a message.

"Please help. Am stuck in a room underwater." I walk over to the chest and sort through it. A shovel, a bedding roll, a torch, and a small book. I flip through the pages but it just has some random doodles and lines to some poem.

"There's a glimmer of hope in your eyes, But worry in your pace, The urge in me is pinning me down, I'm antagonized"

I recognize this but from where. Was it my older brother's? I think so. I flip to the back page and there it is.
"Blood for the Blood God, Warrior forevermore, God never dies"
It is Techno's, the art must be some sort of code. I open the communicator again. Message from Philza.
"Techno where are you? Is Tommy with you?"

"It is Tommy I don't know where I am and Techno is not here."

Then I hear a sound from the little water entry. I spin around and Techno is standing there.

"Update, Techno is here."

I clutch the communicator to my chest, dropping the book. Techno looks at me, his pink hair clinging to his shoulders and back as he takes off the helmet.

"Oh Tommy where the hell were you? Dream said you ran away and I have been everywhere looking for you." Techno's voice is monotone but I can tell that he is off put. Dream, Dream, who's dream? Oh shit. The memories come back now. Being shoved under the water. Being dragged into a small cave. The poison potion. I had passed out.

"In a cave. Under water. I think I remember Dream putting me there." My voice wobbles. Fuck he is going to side with Dream. Techno instead wrapps me in a hug before putting a turtle shell on my head and dragging me to the surface where there is a boat waiting. He takes the communicator and messages something. Then we are off. Eventually we get to a small cottage in a snowy area. Almost as soon as we land Phil is picking me up and carrying me to the cottage. When we sit down I tell them what I remember before Phil tucks me into bed and I fall fast asleep.

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