Just One Big Happy Family Pt. 2

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{panic attack}

Wilbur walked onto school grounds and instantly smiled. It wasn't a real one but no one here had anything else to compare it to. He looked around and found his friends and quickly went over to them. They seemed to be talking about college applications but he was not interested. He was going to start a band instead of going to college. He sidled up next to Fundy. He was only a freshman but he had managed to find a place in their group of seniors. Fundy and Wilbur exchanged glances before Fundy pulled out his phone and sent Wilbur a video. Wilbur had seen it before but he laughed along with Fundy.

The bell rang and they all headed to their separate classes. In the first period Wilbur felt the panic rising. He started to bounce his leg trying to let off some anxiety. He could tell it wasn't helping but now his leg was moving on it's own. He wanted to raise his hand and ask to go to the bathroom but his hands were shaking and he didn't want any questions.

He barely heard the bell ring over his panicked thoughts. He stood quickly and rushed to the bathroom. He closed himself into the handicapped stall and pushed himself into the corner as far away from the toilet as possible. He clutched his backpack to his chest and tried to calm his breathing. When he came back to his senses he could tell class had started. The bathroom was silent.

He stood on shaky legs and went out to the sinks. He looked at his face and realized he had visible tear lines. He started to rub water under his eyes to get rid of them. When he had fixed his face he headed out to his next class. The rest of the day was okay, he told his teachers that he had a headache and so he got sent to the nurses until the final bell. Eventually he returned home and his dad took him and his brothers to the mall together. Just one big happy family, right?

sorry these suck. i mostly just wanted to make short vents so yea.

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