Carl and Karen

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{yelling, karen, service dog, slight anxiety and disassociation}

(Techno service dog, staring social anxiety and karen)

Techno walked down the aisle of the story slowly. Just need three things. But everything was so loud and everyone was staring at him. Carl licked his hand. He turned and smiled at his dog. He was a german husky. He was also a service dog but he didn't wear a vest most of the time because the texture could sometimes cause Techno issues especially in sensory overload.

Techno found a wall out of the way and sat down. Carl laid in his lap and Techno was quick to run one hand through his coat. He put the other by his side and Carl licked it to keep him grounded. He sat like that until the things quieted and he could look around without feeling watched.

He got back up and pulled the list from his pocket. eggs, milk, and bread. Not too much. He looped Carl's leash around his collar so that Carl was able to walk freely. Carl stood by Techno's side as he looked around. When he started walking Carl did too. Staying right by Techno's side only ever looking around never leaving. Carl notices the lady before Techno does but only by a split second. Techno quickly unloops the leash and holds it loosely even though Carl hasn't made any movement away from him.

He sets the eggs down on the shelf that holds the bread. He prays to any one out there that she will walk away. But either gods don't exist or don't care because he feels a finger tap his shoulder.

He spins around with a fake smile on his face. "Hello miss. How may I help you?" She is glaring at his dog who has moved to put a boundary in between the woman and him.

"You can't have dogs in here, it is a store." Techno drops the fake smile with a sigh. "Don't take that attitude with me young man."

"Ma'am. This is Carl, he is a service dog. He is allowed in this store. If you have a problem with the store being accessible to those who need it then take that up with the management." Carl licked his hands again. He pet Carl in response. The lady smirked and turned away walking off. "She's getting management, fuck." Techno turned back and grabbed his things. "Carl, snake." Carl started circling Techno a little over a foot away at all times. He quickly walked to the dairy section and grabbed the milk.

The lady, who he had nicknamed Karen, caught up with him at checkout this time she had back up, looked like the manager maybe. They were wearing store clothing that is for sure.

The manager walked up and tried to get past Carl who was still circling patiently. Carl didn't let them past. When they gave up they started talking, "Sir. Please get your dog out of this store." Techno inwardly groaned but put the same fake smile back on his face.

"Well you see, this is my service dog. You can see that he is actively working right now by keeping people at distance from me. This helps with my anxiety." A look of disappointment passed over the managers face.

"Dogs are required to wear their vests at all times while working. And this woman said that your dog was trying to get at her things. While she was shopping. Please leave the premises." Techno smiled and nodded. He gave the cashier his money for his things.

"Yes. Let me pay for my things and I will be on my way." The manager gave in but the Karen had other plans.

"How is he getting away with this." She was screeching now. "He doesn't even have anything wrong with him. He probably likes this attention you are giving him. I am going to call your higher ups." At this point even the manager was done with her.

"Ma'am. You are the one who brought attention to him. Maybe you should stop doing that if he likes it so much." The Karen stood there sputtering for a bit before storming out of the building. The manager gave Techno and Carl a tight smile. "Sorry about that. You are welcome to bring your service dog in at anytime I figured it would be best to get her out of the store first."

Techno gave her a greatfull smile before he headed out with his things. Carl kept his circles a bit bigger this time and when they got in the car he made sure Techno calmed down before actually driving.


hi. i'm really tired right now so sorry if this one is trash. i hated the ending.

i'm definitely going to do more service dog ones but i need names for each character's service dog. i want multiple for each person but i suck at figuring out good ones that make sense.

Yoo guys so I won't be updating as often but when I do I will try and do mass uploads but I don't know if I will be able too. So yea.

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