Can You Speak?

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{mute Tommy}

(note Tommy and Tubbo are about 7 in this one. Wilbur and Techno are maybe 16)

The house was quiet. Phil was cooking in the kitchen while the boys were sleeping. It was summer so no one had school and the boys often would sleep until noon these days. Phil was making a cake for the neighbor's birthday party that was happening tonight. The little boy was right around Tommy's age. Tommy and the boy, Tubbo, would often go explore and spend days out in the field behind their houses. Techno appeared at the doorway.

"Hey Phil, need any help?" Phil nodded and motioned to the mixing bowl and handed him some bowls.

"Please mix these and then put the mixing bowl in the fridge to chill." Techno nodded and started baking. He hadn't slept that night but he had tried then gotten bored. He would rather bake then just lay in bed doing nothing.

After things were ready, Phil started making breakfast for everyone. Tommy and Wilbur slowly drifted down from their rooms, attracted by the promising sent. Wilbur and Techno spoke but Tommy just listened, nodding his head every now and then. Phil took note of this, worry filling his brain before he could stop it. Last time Tommy hadn't been talking it was because he was so sick his throat hurt to breath.

"Tommy, how are you feeling? Can you speak?" Philza asked, handing the boy a plate full of food. Tommy shrugged with a smile. He opened his mouth to speak but closed it gently again. He shrugged and started eating. Phil's forehead scrunched in confusion.

Tommy didn't seem sick just wasn't talking. Techno had taken notice to this conversation but held up his own with Wilbur. "Tommy when you're done do you want to go hangout with Tubbo?" Tommy nodded this time. "You should wish him a happy birthday because his party is tonight." Tommy nodded then put his plate in the sink. Wilbur grabbed his jacket to go supervise the boys like he normally did and headed out behind Tommy who was bouncing on his toes.

Tommy knocked on the door to get Tubbo and his father answered. Tommy motioned for Tubbo by motioning into the house then outside. Wilbur noticed something was up and stepped in. "Can Tubbo come play with Tommy today?" Tubbo's dad turned and called into the house before retreating to an unknown room. Tubbo appeared at the door a moment later. Tommy gave him a quick hug before dragging his friend down the steps and out into the field.

"Tommy slow down, I can't run as fast as you." Tubbo called as he tripped over a few rocks and stumbled. Tommy slowed down and kept walking until they reached the flowers they had planted the years before. They sat down and Tubbo waited for Tommy to start telling him about his day. He loved listening to Tommy talk while he made flower chains for the two of them.

He eventually got bored and started making chains and things. "Can you tell me about your day?" Tommy shrugged and shook his head. "Did something bad happen? I love listening to you talk." Tommy shook his head again. Shrugging his tried to remember the sign language Phil had taught them.
He took a while but eventually he signed out, "Sorry, happy birthday." Tubbo looked at him confused. He didn't know what Tommy had just done with his hands.

"Wilbur, Tommy isn't talking but he did a weird hand motion." Tubbo called out to Wilbur who was watching and understood the sign language.

"He said sorry, happy birthday." Tubbo turned back to Tommy.

"Thank you for remembering my birthday. Are you coming to the party?" Tommy nodded and started to try and make his own flower chain. After struggling many times Tubbo gave him his and finished Tommy's, placing two chains on Tommy's head and one on his own. Tommy quickly put one of his on Tubbo's head. Tubbo smiled at him and they started their short walk back to the house.

They went to Tommy's house because that was where the party was being held. Tubbo's dad was there and a few other kids from the neighborhood but no one really tried to talk to people so Phil had put on a movie. When Tubbo walked in Phil smiled and called everyone to the kitchen. Tommy sat next to Tubbo as everyone but the two sang happy birthday. Tommy signed along the happy birthday lines but he didn't know the rest. Phil noticed this and signed the lyrics to Tommy who did his best to copy.

(Time skip brought to you by my hectic writing style)

Tommy woke up the next morning feeling fairly rested. He rubbed his eyes then got up. He smiled as he stepped around the sleeping Tubbo on the floor and went downstairs. Phil was already up as usual.

"Hey Dadza." Phil's eyes shot to the doorway when Tommy spoke. He rushed to Tommy's side.

"Hey buddy, how are you feeling? I'm glad you are talking today. Do you think you will be going mute again soon? I'm getting more sign language learning things so that you can work on that and so can your brothers." Phil was rabling.

"Dadza, its chill. I don't know why I didn't talk yesterday. I just didn't. Like I didn't exactly want to. I don't know how to explain it. But thank you for understanding." Phil then went back to cleaning up from the party and Tommy helped. When they were done Tommy went and got Wilbur to go hang out with Tubbo.


first try at mute. not a fan of how it turned out. might try again with maybe a trauma background. definitely have one where niki tried to kill him and he goes mute but might do something different too.

also guess who made a little space pt 4. you guys seem to really like those which makes me happy cause i really enjoy getting to write and share them. it is quite far down the drafts list tho so you will have to be patient.

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