Littlespace #5

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 {no actual littlespace, kind of a set up for a possible next one} Requested by someone privately so I won't put who.

Tommy had a lot of school work to do. He had been putting off his classes for over a week so it was starting to become a lot. So he set out the day for school and then tonight if he needed he could go little and hangout with Techno. He didn't have anything planned and he got all of his things in the morning. He had water and snacks and all of his school supplies. He made a list and started working.

Tommy's lip hurt within the hour. Whenever he was focusing or stressed, which he was often and currently both, he chewed his lip. Sometimes to the point of bleeding. He wanted his pacifier. No, school first then regression. But as he further expanded on the thought, he didn't feel small, just wanted his pacifier.

Tommy knew he had gotten a second one recently and it was somewhere in his room. He stood and searched his room for a bit before he found it. As he sat back down he set the purple and pink paci in between his teeth. He refocused on his school work. He was shocked at how much it actually helped.

He was getting stuff done faster and he felt a lot less stressed. When he was working on his last assignment, Techno walked in. "Hey Toms, when are you cleaning up the mess in the." He didn't finish his question. "You shouldn't do homework when you're little Bubs."

"Not little, just focusing." Tommy spoke around the paci, in his big voice. Techno was confused but he nodded.

"If it helps it helps. But still you need to help clean the living room. There is flour engrained in the fucking celling. Like how, we left you and Tubbo alone for less than an hour?" Techno then ruffled Tommy's hair and left. Tommy finished the work and went to help clean the living room, keeping the pacifier in his mouth. Techno must have explained the pacifier situation because the others didn't mention it.

He did struggle to explain the flour in the ceiling but he managed to get through it and then he got to regress and play with Techno while Phil and Wilbur went to the store. 


this was suggested but I really needed to write it cause I wrote a really stressful chapter in my other book so I went little and it was wacky so I wrote this.

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