Absolutely Trash One-shot

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 {knives, bullying, really bad writing} 

Tommy was running. One of the boys behind him was shouting. He ignored it and kept going. He turned into an alley, when did that wall go up. At the back of the alley was a tall wall of brick. Tommy could have sworn this was a through alley. Tommy turned around to run out but it was too late. The boys had caught up. 

"Please man. I need to get home." Tommy looked around desperately. No way he could jump the wall and going through them wasn't an option, he was really hoping Techno had caught up. 

"Go home to what? You don't have a fucking home." The leader spit on the ground next to him. "And don't use that damn Techno lie. Even if he was related to you, he wouldn't save you." 

Tommy sighed but relaxed slightly as he noticed a flash of red behind them. "Oh really? You want to take those chances?" Tommy shook his head slightly and Techno's cape disappeared behind a crowd of people. 

Some of the boys looked anxious. Others looked pissed. The leader drew a knife from his pocket. 

"What's that for fellas?" Techno appeared behind them. 

Tommy sighed and turned around. "Damn it Techno. I was going to piss them off some more. Why do you do this?" 

Most of the boys scattered, some stayed frozen in shock. Techno grabbed the collar of the boy with a knife. "You don't hurt him. You don't deserve to hurt anyone." He tossed the boy haphazardly to the side. 

Tommy followed Techno out of the alley. "You could have stayed back until my signal. I would have been fine." Techno ignored him. 

When they finally got home Phil was waiting nervously. "How did it go?" 

Techno scoffed, "Tommy made some friends. Maybe." 

Tommy rolled his eyes. "Techno didn't wait for my signal but I won't have any more issues." Phil nodded then turned back to the kitchen and continued making dinner. 


I wish I had done a better job on this one but I got bored halfway through. 

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