The Music Store

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{yelling, swearing, body shaming, panic attack, serivce dog, implied violence, child abuse}

Tommy was walking with Wilbur and Techno. Phil had sent them out for outside time because since school got out no one had left the house. Wilbur and Techno had graduated and Wilbur was busy getting ready for his next school, some preppy music thing.
Techno was focusing on his training and Tommy was trying oh so hard to get his summer homework done before the end of June. He was close but it was unlikely he would keep up this pace.

His service dog was wearing his red vest and he had a bunch of cute service dog patches on him. His name was Kitty, something about a frog named Kitty going missing or something. He can identify if Tommy is going to have a panic attack or if he is uncomfortable. Kitty can also tell his family if he needs help.

Wilbur was taking them all to a music shop because he wanted to get some things. The music shop was on the main street of their small town. As small as the town was it never felt lonely because everyone was well known. They got lots of hello's and they never had to worry about people trying to pet or distract Kitty.

Wilbur pulled open the door to the shop and went in, quickly the other two boys followed. They walked slower than normal as they began to browse the store, mostly together but every now and then one of them would split off for a bit. Never Tommy. He always stayed with someone. A new habit he had picked up on.

He reached out to grab Techno's pink hoodie that was in front of him. He wrapped his hand in the back of it and then Techno turned around. "Who the hell are you?" Nope not Techno and now he was getting yelled at. Kitty alerted him to try and get him to leave but he was frozen in place. Kitty tried to go get Wilbur who was on the other side of the small area but the leash caught. He barked once as tears started to stream down Tommy's face.

"Oh Tommy. I recognized your little mutt friend. You have gotten quiet fat haven't you." Shit it was her. "Fucking bitch." She pushed him and he stumbled back. Kitty was pulling at the leash and he let go as he dropped to the ground. He pushed himself until he felt Kitty pushing on his legs. Instantly he tried to stand. He knew Kitty wanted him to leave the situation.

Kitty went back to Wilbur licking his hand. It took less than a second for Wilbur to understand. Tommy was on the ground backing up with tears in his eyes. The woman was standing over him with a hand raised. Wilbur spoke up.

"Hello bitch, can you not hit my brother." His voice was laced with venom and he motioned for the dog to go get Techno. Tommy let out a sob when Kitty moved to leave and Kitty rushed out. Wilbur turned his focus to the woman.

"He isn't anyone's brother. I should know. Fucking brat lived in my house for a month." She went to hit him. Wilbur punched her in the jaw.

"Listing bitch, I don't care who you think he is but that is my brother and if you are still here when my older brother gets here. You will not like the outcome. He tends to get protective and he always has a knife."

The woman startled. Muttering something about kids these days she made her way to the entryway where Kitty was walking in being followed by Techno. She tried to give the dog a kick but was stopped with a quick foot to the gut and Techno dragged her back into the room.

After lots of yelling and other actions the author can not write at this time. The woman was carried away in a stretcher as Wilbur, Techno and Tommy all slowly got up and Kitty led the way out of that store. When they all got home Wilbur explained why Tommy was crying and why Techno had some new red bits on his clothes.
Phil was shocked and quickly pulled up Tommy's favorite movie. They watched Up almost three times before Tommy had fallen asleep and then Wilbur took him up to his room being followed by Kitty. Kitty licked Wilbur's hand and pulled over a bag. He hadn't taken his med today.

Gently Wilbur woke up the sleeping boy and got the drowsy boy to take the pills he needed. As soon as he had swallowed them he was asleep again. Wilbur tucked the boy in before joining the rest of the family downstairs to watch something other than the god awful disney movie.


so my tics are coming back. and reality is fucking with me. and it's now starting to cause issues. i don't want to tell my parents tho cause they would think i was faking. anyway i'm having a shit day so have an upload.

i will be ignoring the fact that Tommy is dead because fuck cannon this is wattpad.

how are you guys? i love all the support you guys give me that you so much. <33

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