Names Pt. 2

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{kid tommy} 

"Bye, Dadzie. Bye, Wilby." Tommy said as Phil put him down and picked up his keys. 

"Bye Bubba, I love you." He turned out the door then turned back around and called back into the house. "Love you too, Techno." He paused waiting for a reply.

"Yeah love you too Phil. Go or Wilbur will be late for school." Techno came out of the kitchen and grabbed Tommy from behind, swooping him up and kicking the door shut behind Phil. "I'm like a damn housewife." He muttered.

Tommy squealed and kicked his short legs out as Techno took him to the kitchen table and set him down at the table. The table already had a coloring book open to Tommy's half done cat with a box of crayons next to it. 

Techno set him down and pulled out a few crayons and Tommy set to work. Techno set to his own work, he cleaned the kitchen and made lunch and even started dinner before turning his focus back on Tommy. Tommy had finished his cat and started just scribbling around the page. 

"Hey Toms, do you want to play a game?" Techno asked, gently tapping Tommy's shoulder to make sure he was paying attention. 

Tommy made a thinking face before smiling up at Techno. "We should play makeup." 

Techno laughed. "Do you want to do my makeup or me to do yours?" He pulled Tommy's chair out slightly. 

Tommy jumped down and put his hands in the air for Techno to pick him up. "You do mine, I wanna look like a pretty prince." 

Techno laughed as he bent over and grabbed under Tommy's arms. He picked him up and tucked him on his hip before heading to the stairs. "Okay, can we dress up too then? And you can wear a crown and cape." 

Tommy cheered and wiggled excitedly while Techno carried him up the stairs. Once they were at the top Techno put Tommy down and watched as Tommy ran clumsily into Techno's room. 

Tommy climbed up onto the bed and sat, kicking his feet, waiting for Techno to join him. As Techno walked in, he headed straight for the closet. He pulled out his makeup which he had taken to storing in a tall thing of drawers that had a set of wheels on the bottom. He rolled it over to bed and pulled out the first drawer. 

Techno took out the basic moisturizers and a brush to spread it on Tommy's face. He worked quickly to prepare Tommy's small face for the makeup. Once that was done he took out a few eyeshadow pallets and let Tommy choose the ones he wanted. He picked a bright pink and a close red. As Techno did his eyeshadow Tommy got fidgety. 

"Stay still Tommy, otherwise the makeup could get messy." Techno said as he pulled away and got a black eyeliner out. 

"Staying still is hard though." Tommy pouted. 

"Do you want a fidget?" Techno was already moving over to his nightstand and pulling a fidget snake out. Tommy nodded and grabbed the fidget. He stopped squirming and allowed Techno to resume painting his face. 

Techno did dramatic eyeliner and added a tiny heart on Tommy's cheek, he paused for a little to let it dry and got out mascara. "Look up." He said and he tilted Tommy's face to the side so he could judge his work so far. 

Tommy rolled his eyes upward and allowed Techno to put on the mascara. Techno then pulled open his lipstick drawer. "Tommy pick." 

Tommy's eyes scanned the options and pointed to a bright green. Techno laughed and pulled it out of it's spot in the drawer. 

"Light pout." Techno said as he moved Tommy's face again. Tommy opened his lips just barely and put a slight pout to his lips. Techno quickly put on the green lipstick and rolled backwards. "You are definitely a handsome prince Tommy." 

Tommy smiled then got an idea. "What if I was the Queen and you were the King?" 

Techno thought for a second. "I don't have a queen crown but I have a tiara. Can you be the Princess and I will be a Prince?" 

Tommy nodded excitedly. "I can have pretty princess jobs. Like espionage and traitor stuff." 

Techno laughed as he pulled a crown and tiara out of the closet. "You will be the most terrifying intelligencer ever. I should get you a dress if you want to be a proper princess." 

Tommy grinned. "If you get me a dress I need to learn to fight in it." Tommy was always trying to get Techno to spar with him. 

"Yes. I will keep that in mind." Techno said as he put the tiara on Tommy's head. The doorbell rang, three times in quick succession then once after a pause. "That is probably Wilbur, school got out maybe 30 minutes ago." 

Tommy ran down the stairs and to the front door. He pulled at it until Wilbur unlocked the door and pushed it open. "Wilby. I'm a princess you have to bow to me." 

Wilbur looked down at the 8 year old with pink eyeshadow and green lipstick. He turned and pretended to close himself back outside. "Techno," he called through the door. "Come pick up your princess. I'm not going to bow to him." 

Techno had followed Tommy out and so he opened the door. "He's a princess. Would you treat a princess like this?" 

Wilbur rolled his eyes. "Fine." He did a small curtsy. "You happy Princess Tommy?" 

Tommy grinned. "Yup. Now come in and get food peasant." He said the last word fast and then ran into the house.

"Oh you little gremlin." Wilbur said as he began to chase after Tommy. 

"Tell me when you catch him. I'll give you a snack bounty for the princess." Techno said as he went back to the kitchen to get snacks ready for them. 

By the time Phil came home from work, Tommy had convinced Wilbur to play the role of peasant servant. When the doorbell rang, again in the pattern that indicated a family member Tommy sent Wilbur to the door to open it and 'be butler man.' 

"Welcome home King Dad." Wilbur said as he pulled open the door. "The other members of the royal family are in the kitchen. Where dinner is waiting." Wilbur smiled at the confused look on Phil's face. 

"Royal? Wait what?" Phil asked. 

Wilbur just motioned him inside. Phil followed Wilbur hesitantly to the kitchen. When he took in the scene he was a little confused. Techno had done his makeup with green eyeshadow and red lips and was wearing his prince crown. There was another crown sitting at his spot on the table. 

"Dadza. Sit you need to put on your crown though cause you're king then we can eat." Tommy said. He was standing on his chair and bouncing on his toes. 

Phil gave in and sat down. Wilbur put the crown on his head then brought in food from the kitchen. When the food was brought out he took his seat and everyone began eating. 

"Please explain how Tommy and Techno became princes while I was at work." Phil said before taking his first bite of food. 

"Not a prince. Princess." Tommy said through a mouthful of food. 

"What is the difference?" Phil asked. 

Techno answered. "Princesses are espionage and Princes are diplomats. I'm a prince. Tommy's a princess." 

Phil nodded and then allowed Wilbur to change the subject to his school and after dinner they all settled in for a quick movie before bedtime. 


I think someone requested this but I don't remember who. If you want to request stuff putting it on the forms on the request chapter helps a ton and I am like 10 times more likely to do it then. 

Sorry the ending to this one sucks but I liked everything else so I kept it. 

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