Niki Soot

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Intro: Niki Soot

Aliases: Soot, Sals

Pronouns: She/Her

Age at year x: 17

Relations: Mother: Queen Sally the Salmon, Father: Wilbur Soot, Older Brother: Fundy, Raised by Niki who kept her hidden for her own safety. Cousins: SapInnit, Phillis Blade, Tech and Tommy_.

Appearance: Wilbur's yellow jacket that she stole from him. Black "meh." crop top Techno gave Sally. Black jeans she got herself. Rainbow belt wrapped around her neck and chest, Niki Nihachu had sewn in a pocket for a lighter. Peach and white checkered high tops Niki gave her. Her hair is dark pink and is often in two low ponytails that go over her shoulders, when she is working she will braid them.

Obsessions: Fire and general arson, likes to mentally manipulate people into destructive crimes.

Languages: Human, Blaze, Squid, Piglin

Other Info: She was heir to the throne before her mother died in a fire when she was 7. No one investigated the fire and everyone assumed she had died in it too. As she ran away, she ran into Niki who was on her way to the main area of the Dream SMP to assist in a war for independence. Niki took her in and taught her everything she knows. Niki thinks of her as her kid however she was always unsettled by the fact that her name was also Niki, to the point that she just calls her Soot. Niki taught her how to speak blaze. She naturally knew squid. She often teams up with SapInnit to blow up nations. Like her mother has some magic singing power but she rarely uses them because she doesn't want to be attached to Sally. She is rumored to have voices like her uncle Techno but that is not proven. Techno taught her pigman and tried to teach her zombie pigman but failed. Creepers don't identify her as a threat.

if you can draw and want to draw this character please do and send me the art cause i want to see what you guys get from this.

if you like this then go check out my other book MCYT OC- Oneshots. it will be based around one shots of these original characters so yea go check it out.

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