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{mention of death during childbirth, pedophilia?, mentions of underage sex}

Wilbur hated that he had been ignoring his family. He wanted to go back to them but he didn't know how to.

How do you tell your family that last year you dropped out of school to raise a kid whose mother died alone in the hospital because you were too busy trying to get a job to be there for her in her time of need? You don't, that's how. So he didn't. He would have been a Junior this year.

Techno had been texting him because he hadn't seen him at school. He had gotten a job and moved in with Sally's mother. She was a nice woman but she definitely was trying to come onto him.
He would politely change the subject every time. Fundy was starting to get to the age where he had planned to introduce him to his family. He was over a year old now.

Wilbur made the decision the moment Sally's mother tried to touch him. His reasoning was they would definitely let his kid stay at least, right? He packed the few belongings that they had and he put a sleeping Fundy into the stroller that Sally's mom had gotten him as a welcome gift.

His family lived a little over 10 miles away. It was 5 in the morning so he should be able to get there before night time. Sally's mom was still sleeping as he raided their pantry for snacks for Fundy when he woke up.

He wrapped 5 blankets and Sally's old jacket around Fundy as he left. He went back in to grab Sally's necklace too. It was a small wire fish with a pearl trapped inside. He slipped it into his coat pocket with a small sigh.

He walked almost 3 miles before the sun rose. He knew the way home, he used to walk it every time he stayed the night with Sally. Before she-. Anyway, he forced a small smile at the people he passed. Fundy would wake soon. He wouldn't be too happy to be in the cold.

As if on cue Fundy's cry broke him out of his thoughts. He locked the stroller and rushed around. He pulled a small toy of some sort out and pulled Fundy into a hug.

While he calmed down Wilbur slipped his tiny arms into the sleeves of Sally's jacket. He put some cereal on the tray in front of him and Fundy worked on eating those.

He quickly set about walking again. At the 7 mile mark his feet started to hurt. He brushed it off. If he took a break he wouldn't make it in time. He gave Fundy some more snacks and kept walking.

He reached the house and took note of the cars in the driveway. Phil and Techno were both home. Techno had a new car but Phil's still had the stickers on the back. One for every member. A guitar, a pig, some devil horns and tail, and some wings. He thought about getting a fox for it. Maybe even a fish. Then frowned, no fish because that would require explanation.

He knocked on the door. He could identify Techno's steady tread coming to the other side. When the door opened Fundy took this as his turn to cry again. Wilbur rushed to get Fundy out of the stroller wrapping him tighter in Sally's jacket.

He looked up at Techno who motioned them both inside. Wilbur struggled with the stroller before Techno took it and pushed it inside. Wilbur went to the kitchen where everyone else was sitting.

His chair sat empty, a place set for him. He hadn't told them he was coming. Did they do this everyday? Tommy had fallen silent, Phil was standing up opening his mouth to ask questions about the kid.

"Dad, he's cold and tired. We have been out since almost 5. I wanted to come sooner but with S- I didn't think I could take the stress. But I couldn't stay with Sa- the place I was staying so here I am. Please don't kick Fundy out even if you kick me out." Phil stopped moving while Wilbur was talking.

"Can you and he share a bed tonight? Your room is the same as you left it. Oh gods, Wilbur, we were so worried. Is he yours? Where is his mother? How old is he? How old were you?" Fundy was crying again and Phil stopped talking.

"Please let me put him to bed before I answer questions." Phil nodded and motioned for the stairs. Wilbur walked quickly up and bounced Fundy as he paced his room. Phil was right. It hadn't even been touched.

His clothes were still scattered around his room, musical instruments against the wall.

He hadn't been planning on moving in with her mother. He was just going out to get a job. But when he got the news he wanted to be closer to those who knew her more.

He felt tears run down his face. Fundy let out a light snore and Wilbur laid him in the bed. Taking Sal-Fundy's jacket off and putting it by the base of the bed. He pulled the blankets over him and put one of his stuffed animals in Fundy's arms. He headed downstairs to answer questions.

"Wilbur is that your kid?" The first one was one he was dreading.

"Yea, he's a year old now. Yea I know I was young. I still am I guess."

"Where have you been? We looked everywhere for you." This question was expected as well but it wasn't expected from Tommy.

"I stayed at his grandma's house." Trying to stay away from the question of his mother.

"Who's the mom, where is she, did she hurt you?" And there it is.

"Sally, the girl I was with back then. She, she didn't make it. It is the main reason I didn't come home. She was the best person I know and Fundy would have been lucky to have her as a mom."

"Why did you come home now?" I don't know. I wanted to when I first left. I hated the way her mom treated me. I felt locked there. I knew you guys were safe.

"Fundy's grandma is not the best person to try and raise a kid around. I didn't have anywhere else to go. I'm sorry. I can leave just please take care of Fundy for me. I can't let him be homeless or go into foster care."

"Wil, we are not going to kick you out. We just need to get a crib or something and you need to clean your room up in order to put it there. Do you need food?" Wilbur nodded weakly and everyone led him to the table.

To his seat that was still set. Tommy dished him a serving of food which he smiled out his thanks. As he ate they all discussed Fundy and his likes and dislikes and funny stories. Thankfully they all avoided the topic of Sally and her mother.


i know i have 2 different abusive sally ones but i like having some good sally too.

i might do a bunch of karlnapity ones but i will try to keep sbi the one that it is about mostly. i just simp for karl so.

also who's the one who requested the cat one? i finished it but i don't remember who requested so i can't @  you.

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