Too What?

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{past suicide, suicidal thoughts, yelling, fighiting}

Tommy had been seeing Techno's ghost. Ever since Techno died. Except this wasn't just a ghost hallucination. It was Techno, back from the dead. They fought a lot, about everything. Whether it be about how to spell a word or the proper color of the ocean. They fought over everything. Wilbur and Phil thought Tommy was going insane, but slowly they started to understand. They would leave when the yelling started. Return the next day. The yelling today had started early. Originally it was about the proper way to spell gray. The others had left and Tommy was just getting argier.

"You left us god damn it. And you have no fucking remorse." He screamed, making Techno pause. They had never actually fought about his death and this had nothing to do with the color grey.

"I'm sorry," he said, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "I didn't see a better way out and you know what, I still don't." His voice grew angry. "Just cause I'm dead doesn't mean I know any more than I did." His face dropped and he looked sad. "At least now I can't hurt you guys anymore."

Tommy gasped. "You think you stopped hurting us? You think that they are mourning for nothing? You really think you stopped hurting us? All you did was make it worse. They are mourning you. All of us are hurting because you couldn't man up and get fucking help." He turned away in disgust. "You still hurt us, even dead you still show up in everyone's dreams and nightmares. You think it doesn't hurt dad that he has to take his middle child out of the house so his youngest can yell at the ghost of his eldest?" Techno frowned at Tommy's words.

"I'm sorry. I just couldn't do it. I was too." He let his words drift off.

"Too what Techno? Too weak? Too tired? Too busy? Too overwhelmed?" Tommy approached the ghost one step with every question. "I'm tired, I can't sleep at night without nightmares. I'm busy, between school and work and you. I'm fucking, overwhelmed. But at least I'm not taking the easy way out even though I think about it every fucking night, I'm not gonna do it. You know why, because I know it would hurt them so much more than it would hurt me." 

With that he stormed out of the house. He wasn't back the next morning when Phil and Wilbur returned. He stayed out until late that night and when he returned his eyes were puffy and he went straight to his room.

Wilbur brought him food and offered to talk but Tommy declined and ate in silence, Techno showed up but Tommy just flipped him off and went to do the school work he had missed.


I dont know why but this prompt has been bouncing in my head for a while. I like the idea of someone who after death still can't think of a better way. 

Sorry this one is so dark I wrote it in like 10 minutes of just angry angst. 

What do you think of this? The idea that even after suicide people still would go back and do it again because death doesn't actually teach you more. 

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