Unwilling Change Pt. 1

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{mention of blood, vampires, being a boy toy sorta, implied sexual comments}

Karl had gotten changed less than a year ago and he was still getting used to life. The only thing that stayed the same was his relationship with Sapnap and Quackity. He had been their special show thing and he loved the attention. He did move in with them and the rest of the nest, he lost contact with his, sadly homophobic, family, he was also getting used to the insane amount of money the two other boys spent on him. He would never get used to some things like how Quackity would always let Sapnap introduce Karl first then show Quackity, or how literally everyone in the nest obeyed Quackity and by extension Karl and Sapnap. Also the smell of blood that never seemed to leave or the cravings for it.

Karl had his own room that he could change and sleep in if he wanted too. Quackity insisted on it even though Karl said he didn't need it, the three had been dating for almost three years, Sapnap and Quackity almost a century before that. Sapnap had gotten Karl a fancy new get up and put it in the room. They had big plans for today and Sapnap wanted to show off Karl.

Sapnap shooed Karl into the room, not letting Quackity see the outfit. When the door was closed Karl looked at the outfit. He stared at it speechless. It had a short black skirt with upside down crosses sewn in around the base. A pair of tight black fishnets. And a pair of black platform boots. For the top it was a white button up with a black stomach corset and a black hoodie that was cut so it barely covered his collar bones. There was also a black and green monster energy crown. Karl smiled at the use of his favorite drink.

He quickly took off the franken-hoodie and the booty shorts that he had slept in the day before. He got dressed the best he could on his own before poking his head out and waving down a passing vamp."Hey Eret, can you come help me?" Eret didn't question anything and set down the papers she had been holding by the door. 

"Turn around Sir. Karl." Eret then worked around him putting everything on. Then she put on a belt with double grommets and hooked some chains in it. After she deemed him ready she pulled the cloth off the mirror and showed him. Another thing Karl would never get used to was how amazing he looked in the outfit's his wonderful fiances picked. 

"Thank you Eret. Sorry you had to put off your thing." Karl was almost breathless. He used to always hate how he looked but Quackity and Sapnap worked together to fix that. "Oh no problem. They can all wait if it means helping you." Eret smiled as she headed to the door. She scooped up her things and headed off, Niki would not believe that she got called to help Karl.

 Karl headed out to find Sapnap and Quackity. As he walked he would tell who had a crush because if they liked him they looked away, if they didn't they admired his outfit or stared in envy that he was so close to Quackity. He walked around until he found his fiances. He snuck up behind Quackity and covered his eyes. Quackity knew only Karl would do that so he leaned back into him. Sapnap stabilized the two then separated them so Quackity could see the outfit.

 Quackity gasped then leaned into Sapnap's ear. Whatever he said made Sapnap smirk and Karl could feel himself blush even though he didn't know what was said. He could get the jist. Then he had an idea. He fiddled with the chains on either side. Wrapping the chains around his wrists and making it look like he was chained to the skirt he made his own smirk then a breathy gasp.

 Sapnap groaned. "If we didn't have to go, you would definitely regret that." With that he grabbed both his husband and his fiance's hands and led them out. 

"I mean you could have given me a collar and leash like Quackity did for my introduction into the nest." Karl shrugged and Quackity laughed. 

"I'm sorry I think that wouldn't match the style. A crown and a collar? Also nice job on the belt and chains." Sapnap opened the door to the passenger seat. Quackity motioned to Karl to sit up front. Quackity took the seat in the back and Sapnap drove them to the party. Karl was the only one who didn't know what the plan for the party was. He was used to it because he would over think if he knew too much so he was surprised when Quackity started talking about it.

"So, this party is going to end well but we need to make sure you know some things to stay safe," he reached and took Karl's hand, slipping a bracelet onto his arm. "So this will send your location to use no matter where you go. I assume you won't take it off. When we get there you need to stay close to me. If I tap your arm twice you need to try and get both of us out of there. Sapnap will leave us alone for a while but hopefully he will be back before we have to go. If you get touched by anyone or feel uncomfortable tap my arm three times." Kale nodded as they pulled up to a huge mansion. It was bigger than the nest and the nest housed almost half of the vampire population in their area. They all got out slightly nervous and headed inside.


I have plans for a Pt. 2 possibly more. The next one will make the name make more sense so yea. 

it autocorrected Sapnap to subpoena and I lost it. Anyone catch the reference to another oneshot of mine? 

I love boy toy Karl. I wanna be a boy toy. That is my goal, be a boy toy to some rich hot person. 

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