Summoning A Friend Pt. 2

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 {mentioned heart attacks, fae}

Tommy woke to the kid who summoned him, shaking him gently. "What?" Tommy jolted upright, banging his head against the underside of the desk. "Owww."

The kid looked apologetic and Tommy could hear the panicked thoughts. 

"Don't worry, I'm not going to die from bumping my head. Just startled me mostly." Tommy stood, careful not to hit his head again and spread his wings. 

Thoughts of touching them filtered into his mind. "You can touch just carefully, they rip easily." The kid put a hand gently on Tommy's wings. "What's your name?" The kid startled and pulled away from Tommy. 

"Wilbur, what's yours?" The kid, Wilbur, was dressed for the day. 

"I can't tell you. You might hurt me accidentally. Call me Tom." Thoughts of confusion filtered into Tommy's thoughts. "You have to stop that. Don't think about asking questions, just ask them." 

Wilbur looked shocked. "Um, okay, Tom." He said it like he was tasting it and found it lacking something. "Why would your name hurt you?" 

Tommy nodded. "I'm going to assume you don't know anything about me then. I am a fae, you summoned me. Meaning I can sorta read your thoughts and if I tell you my name then I will be bound to you. Meaning no one can summon me away and I basically have to do everything you ask me to do." 

Wilbur nodded. "Okay, well I have to go to school. Are you just gonna stay here?" 

Tommy smiled, "I forgot to mention, only you can see me until I give you my name." 

Wilbur gave a small sound of surprise then nodded. "Okay, I guess that is reasonable. So the reason you're sticking around is?" 

"I might have worn out my welcome at the place I was. I seem fairly welcome here." 

Wilbur shrugged. "You can wear my clothes I guess, unless you want to wear that mess." 

Tommy looked down at his clothes then at Wilbur's closet full of hoodies and jeans. "I would like to wear yours if I could." 

Wilbur nodded, "I'll be in the kitchen, literally follow the noise as soon as you leave this room, Phil is cooking right now." He left Tommy alone. 

Tommy was tempted to poke around but as he took off his shirt to put a clean one on he noticed the half healed cut and remembered what happened last time he had poked around when not allowed. He changed quickly and went to the kitchen. Wilbur was sitting at the island counter and there were 2 other people. An adult who was cooking, Tommy took that one as Phil, and another kid around Wilbur's age who was sitting and reading. 

Tommy slid into the seat next to Wilbur. "So cook is Phil, who's the other one? And because I am a nice person, don't actually respond they can't see or hear me." 

Wilbur nodded as he ate a pancake. "Hey Techno what are you reading today?" 

The other boy, Techno, looked up then at the cover of his book. "Same as always. Art of War." 

Tommy nodded. "Thank you." 

Wilbur looked at the clock. "Hey Dad can I take some pancakes with me? I am going early to meet up with Niki." 

Phil nodded and Wilbur grabbed the rest of the short stack, maybe 5. Then Wilbur grabbed his backpack and left. Tommy slid off the chair and followed. 

Once on the street, Wilbur held out the food. "Here Tom." Again when he spoke the word 'Tom' he sounded unsatisfied. 

Tommy took the food gratefully. "Thanks. I don't need human food to survive but it is always a treat." 

Wilbur walked to the end of their street and turned right. Tommy followed in silence, occasionally getting a thought or two from Wil. 

After about a minute of Wilbur worrying about whether Tommy would snitch if they met up with someone named Sally, Tommy spoke up. "Who's Sally? Why can't Phil know about them?" 

Wilbur was startled out of his thinking process. "Mind reader right. She's my girlfriend." 

"I can only read your mind if you are thinking about me. And no I won't snitch. Don't really have a way to. I can't write." Tommy shrugged as they turned onto another street. 

"Can you at least read?" Wilbur asked as they walked up to a small house with a large garden. 

Tommy shook his head. "My chant thingy got used when I was a kid and the person who called me didn't care about my education. They didn't care about me really but I had been young and gave him my name. I wasn't free of him until he had a heart attack a few months ago. His kid that was around all the time liked me enough, was about my age but he couldn't read either. His letters moved or something. He had another kid, a girl I think but she was a few years older than me and was rarely around. I wonder how they are doing." 

Wilbur knocked. "Would he be able to see you?" 

The door was answered before Tommy could reply. A girl with natural bright red hair in a basic pixie cut answered. Tommy gasped. 

Wilbur looked between the two before remembering Sally couldn't see him. Sally called back into the house, and was told something she disagreed with but in the end a boy came bouncing out of the house. Again Tommy looked amazed. 

Tommy heard the thoughts. Asking if he was okay. He nodded and Wilbur turned his attention back to Sally. 

Sally ran a hand through her hair before grabbing the boy's hand. The boy tried to pull it away. "Tubbo, you know we have to look like good siblings until the end of the street." 

Tubbo sighed and stuck his hand out robotically. "Don't see why you can't hold your boyfriend's hand." 

Tommy finally recovered from his shock and ran the short distance to catch up with them. "Wilbur, I need you to say my name. Tomithy Kraken Danger Innit. Say it please, I know them." 

Wilbur looked at him. "Sally hold on." He stopped walking. "What?" 

Sally was about to repeat whatever she said but Wilbur held up a hand. She looked vaguely offended. 

Tommy spoke almost too quickly for Wilbur to understand. "I need you to say Tomithy Kraken Danger Innit. Now."

Wilbur didn't hesitate this time. "Tomithy Kraken Danger Innit."

Sally looked confused but Tubbo whirled around. "Tommy!" 

Sally slowly realized what happened. "You found the fae kid Tubbo liked so much. Gods this will be nice, now you two can go frolic while I frolic with my boyfriend." Sally pulled Wilbur ahead. 

Tommy used the new double way mental link to thank him and tell him they would meet later. 

Wilbur flinched at the thoughts laid in his brain but quickly got distracted by Sally and the people split paths. 

"So Tommy, does that mean you got freed when he died? I tried to find you but I guess my dad burned it." Tubbo linked arms with Tommy quickly. 

"How do you know Wilbur?" Tommy asked.

"He goes to my school, and has been dating Sally for almost a year. Is he nice to you?" Tubbo wanted to know everything. 

"Yea, we should get to the school before Wilbur so I don't get in trouble." Tubbo nodded and led them towards the school where they chilled until the bell rang. 

When Wilbur arrived, almost an hour late, they just skipped classes and went home and planned how they would explain this to Phil. 


Thanks to the person who requested this. They didn't put their name on the form so can't @ them. I really enjoyed this one. 

A Sally headcannon you can choose to except. Sally came out as nb and became Friend (this goes with the common Sally can shape shift thing) 

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