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 {murder, poisin, knives, explositons, insanity, assasinations} 

Tubbo came out of the dressing room looking very official. He had on a fancy suit that was mismatched in many places. Tommy handed him a simple checkered mask, it covered around his eyes and down his cheeks. He slipped it on and put on the tiny hat that they had attached to a headband to keep on. 

"Your turn to change, Sir Kraken." Tubbo did an over dramatic bow and motioned to the dressing room. 

"Thank you, Sir Bee." Tommy said sarcastically as he grabbed his costume and entered the changing room. 

When he emerged he was wearing a simple white suit with a light pink tie. Tubbo had to help him tie it and then he slipped on the white mask that covered just around his eyes and put on his white bunny ears. 

"Gods Tubbo. This looks really expensive. Do they know we will get these dirty?" Tommy looked at himself in the mirror. "And why do I have to be the bunny? I do most of the dirty work." 

Tubbo giggled. "You're the bunny because I am already mad. All I needed was the hat." Tubbo handed Tommy the small sharp knife, Tommy slipped the cover on it and put it in the inside pocket of his suit. Tubbo picked up the flask of lemon scented liquid and clipped it onto his belt. He then grabbed the syringe filled with a golden liquid and put the cap on it, sliding it into his own pocket. 

"Well then, shall we begin?" Tommy asked, holding out his arm. They linked arms and headed out of the room. As they made their way around the enormous house, the maids and service people ignored them. They reached the main doors and paused. 

"Going over the facts, we need to find the pieces of royalty and remove them correct?" Tubbo asked, tapping his flask. 

Tommy nodded and pushed the doors open. Tommy knew more details but he didn't need to share them with Tubbo. They approached the announcer at the top of the staircase. "Sir Bee and Sir Kraken." Tommy said quietly. The announcer announced them and they walked slowly down the stairs. Only a few people turned to look at them as they reached the bottom. 

Tommy elbowed Tubbo, "There, three targets, a blaze, a green plant or something and a," he paused confused. "I don't know, he is dressed in all blue." 

"I see them. They seem to see us too." Tubbo nodded thoughtfully. "I think our best course of attack is direct. Maybe try and seperate but I don't think that is going to work." 

Tommy nodded, "Boss said they just needed to die, everyone else doesn't matter." 

Tubbo nodded and then separated from Tommy's side. 

Tommy caught his arm. "Remember, you keep an eye on the targets, prepare for my signal, don't talk to anyone else." 

Tubbo nodded. "I know, on your signal faint and if people start talking to me stay quiet cause they probably aren't real." Tubbo then left Tommy's side. 

Tommy slowly got closer to the group of targets. The one in the weird green thing was sipping from a drink. The blue man was looking around nervously. The man in the blaze costume was talking to them about something. 

"Excuse me Sir. I was wondering if you had seen my friend anywhere?" Tommy made his body language humble and small. "He's about this tall, he's the mad hatter?" Tommy subtly signalled to Tubbo, who had somehow gotten to the balcony area in the short time it took to move across the room. Tommy swore mentally as he realized Tubbo's wings were out. Tubbo knew better than to fly around. 

Tubbo saw the signal and pretended to faint. He fell over, off the balcony. The blue man looked up and saw him. "Is that him?" All three of the targets looked worried, the blue one even stepped forward but everyone else in the room crowded around the boy. 

"Oh yes." Tommy drew his knife. "Not that it matters." He stabbed the blue one and the blaze costumed one before the green one could react. 

"What the hell?" The green one said, he dropped his drink as Tommy charged for him. He could hear Tubbo getting up. 

"Listen dude, don't make this hard for yourself." Tommy said as the man blocked most of his attacks. The guy looked bored which angered Tommy. Tubbo was suddenly by his side, with the extra person they had the advantage and the man noticed that. 

The blocks became frantic and then Tubbo stepped back slightly. The man thought he had tired out and tried to take advantage of that but was quickly met with lemon scented liquid, in his eyes. The man threw an angry punch and Tommy used the anger to pin him to the wall. Tubbo approached slowly, pulling the syringe from his pocket. 

"I see you got the first two. Can I finish please?" Tubbo said, putting the syringe to the man's neck. 

"Of course, I would never take all of the kills." Tommy said, kicking the man to get him still a little. 

Tubbo giggled and pressed the liquid into the man's body. The man started convulsing. Tubbo's laughter began to get louder. 

"Tubbo, hate to ruin the moment but could you get us out of here?" Tubbo was startled into action and grabbed Tommy's hand. 

As Tubbo flew up to the ceiling lights, the man stopped convulsing and laid still. The people who had been worried a second before became angry and started calling out about murder. Tubbo broke the ceiling light and dropped Tommy onto the roof. He flew up slightly before landing next to Tommy. 

"Blow it all to hell?" Tommy asked Tubbo who gave him a goofy smile. 

"It was never meant to be." With the mention of their fallen comrade, Tubbo pressed the small button on his little hat and the explosions started. Tubbo grabbed Tommy's hand and the hallucination's hand and flew them to a little tree just outside of the blast zone where they sat and watched the fire burn. 

"Do you think he is proud?" Tommy asked the question he always asked. "Now that we did exactly what he wanted?" 

Tubbo thought about his answer before replying looking at the ghost he knew was just in his head. "He is the one who started this business, I think he is proud that we continued his legacy. After all, a symphony is only unfinished as long as it continues to sing." The ghost nodded his approval to Tubbo.

The boys leaded back and rested in the tree until they were ready for the short flight home. Tommy took off his jacket revealing the feathered wings and Tubbo spread his thin inset like wings and they took off and headed back to their little headquarters. 


This idea had been bouncing around in my head for longer then I wrote fan fiction so I finally got it written down. Did you like it? 

Last upload tonight but I have more in the morning for you guys. Love you all so much. You guys are a huge reason in why I get up in the morning and I love every comment I get. Just a huge thank you. 

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