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{homeless, panic}

I walked down the street following a safe distance from the family of 4. The pink haired boy kept looking back but he didn't seem to notice me. I kept ducking behind things trying to make it look like I was just walking in a pattern. Then I saw my moment. The oldest one had his phone and wallet sticking out of his back pocket. I ran forward snatching the phone and wallet and ran the other direction.

I must have misjudged the pink haired boy because he noticed before anyone else and ran after me. I was slower but smaller so I slipped down an alley and through a hole in the wooden fence at the end. I pushed the boards up to cover the hole as I heard his footsteps turn into the alley. I sat with my back against the boards as I turned the phone off to make sure they couldn't track it.

The boy yelled out, "Philza, the boy turned into this alley and is gone." I heard panting breath approach the wall.

A new voice spoke up. "Hey buddy, I know you are on the other side of that wall. I don't know how you got through there but I know that the other side of the area you are in is a tall brick wall with no grips. Tommy sometimes hides back there while we do shopping." The new voice sounded older. Probably the one whose phone I am now holding. I open the wallet. Just cards and a bit of change. Damn. I quietly put the change in my bag and rehide the bag under the pile of rocks.

The voice speaks up again this time not to me. "Tommy can you climb this wall? Or should I have Techno do it?" I hear a struggling sound before the blonde boy from the group appears on top of the fence. He dropped down quickly and sat on the other side of the small area. I put my back to the wall and keep my eyes on the wallet and phone in my hands.

We sat in silence until the boy's voice startled me. "I'm Tommy. The old guy is Phil. I call him Dadza. Dadza is cool, he won't be mad he just needs his phone and wallet back. Where do you live? We can give you a lift home if you want?" I thought about that offer. They thought I had a home. I stood and pulled the boards away and climbed out. The boy came out with me. I handed the man his phone and wallet.

"Do you need a lift? Can I walk you home to make sure you get home safe?" I shrugged and went back into the small area pulling out the small blanket I had stuffed in a crack between the corner in the wall. I brought it and the bag of change out and showed it to them. The old man looked like he was going to cry. I gasped and backed up. Did I do something wrong?

The brunet that was standing at the entrance of the alley suddenly moved forward. I clutched my things to my chest and tried to back up into the area where I could block them out. I missed the whole and backed into the fence. I watched as the brunet whispered something to the old man, Phil.

"Do you have a home?" The brunette voice was soft, maybe even angelic, if it wasn't asking such a confusing question. This was my home. I motioned back to the fence. Phil had turned on his phone and was texting someone. "Did you have food today?" The brunette seemed worried. I shrugged. I was planning on using the money from the man's wallet to buy something from the bakery girl. Then I had an idea. I grabbed Tommy's arm and tugged it lightly before walking out of the alley. The family followed carefully. The pink haired seemed to be trying to keep up, probably so I didn't run away again.

I led them to the bakery. The brunet spoke again, "Do you know Niki?" I looked confused then walked in. The nice lady at the bakery smiled at me and then at the people behind me in confusion. She motioned for me to come and sit at the bar. She always kept a seat for me.

The pink haired boy spoke. "Niki, do you know this orphan?" His voice was harsh and I flinched away from him. Niki nodded and handed me a piece of bread with butter and cinnamon on top of it.

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