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{murder, gore, fighting, bombs, prostitution}

a/n: there is a bad pov change sorry about that

Prompt: Technoblade son of King Phil has decided to go take over a kingdom that is suffering under a tyrant.

"Phil, I am leaving. The kingdom to the south needs help and I might be a while. I will write everyday but it might be a while until I can send them back. Please take care of Tommy and make sure Wilbur doesn't go into a song writing spree. Anyway goodbye. -Techno"

The pink haired prince read over his letter and then folded it up carefully. He put a red wax cube in his wax melter and put it over the candle that he was using to write. When it was melted he poured the wax and pressed his stamp on top. He then put Philza Minecraft on the front and put it on his nightstand. Quickly he started to pack the last of his things. He put on his red cape and his boots and slung the bag over his shoulder.

He checked his side sheath and then grabbed his enchanted sword off the wall sliding it in with a click. He grabbed a crossbow and slid it over his back as well. He then opened his window and dropped down into the stable.

He rushed to his favorite horse, a large white one who he had nicknamed Tuesday. He liked the story of the man who rode in on Tuesday, killed the king, and a single day later rode out on Tuesday. Phil had told him that story as a child. Techno had insisted that the man kill someone while there and Phil had reluctantly complied.

He pulled himself onto his horse and led it out of the stable. Quickly he rode the horse out of the kingdom. A few minutes later, he checked the sky. The sun would rise in an hour or so and then Phil would know he left. He really hoped Phil would make sure Tommy and Wil were okay. Wilbur tended to get caught up in music and would not take care of his basic needs. Tommy would get reckless and would start to pick fights with the citizens. Techno would also get reckless but his recklessness would be aimed at kingdoms and their tyrants.

He pulled up to the outskirts of the kingdom and found a small inn and restaurant. He went in and sat for a bit. He tried to ignore the stares from the people. His pointy ears were flicking around as he tried to assess everyone.
Three goons in the back that were definitely planning on starting shit. Then a nice young lady was there. "Hi, I am Niki, How can I help you today?" Her voice was steady and calm but she kept an eye on Techno's sword. She probably just didn't want it drawn in the shop.

"Hi, I need a room for the night, some potatoes, and all the info I can get on the three idiots who want to pick a fight with me." Techno motioned back at the goons. Niki nodded and scurried behind the counter. She was back within a minute with a key and a bowl of steaming potatoes. Techno took the bowl and scarfed the potatoes down and then picked up the key. He read the words on it. Some basic keep spells and his room number. Niki then arrived again.

"I don't know much about them but they work for the King. They have been terrorizing my business for days. They can do some hard damage but they have yet to kill anyone. Their names are Bad, George, and Sapnap. They are really close with the King in fact George used to be a consort for the King. His wife got jealous so he made George the head of the military." Niki's voice had gone quiet to avoid the other's listening in. Techno nodded and then stood. As he walked outside with the key in his pocket he heard the other men getting up too. He went outside and turned to face the door.

Fire crackled from his sword as he drew it quickly. The men walked out and saw the weapon. The one indicated as Bad went for his own sword which had been strapped to his back. He pulled up his hood and adjusted his stance. George just stood watching while Sapnap drew a bow. The bow had some sort of enchant but Techno didn't have time to figure it out before Bad lunged. Techno blocked the sword and then turned to Sapnap. He blocked a shot from the bow with his shield before noting that the bow was still loaded. That answers that question. It had an infinite enchant. He paired another attack from Bad before lunging in and slicing Bad's sword hand. It was a small delicate cut, one his father could have healed while fighting but Bad was caught off guard and probably didn't have his own magic.

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