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{improper binding, deadnames, slight violence}

"Tommy." Tubbo's soft voice broke the boy out of his thoughts.

"Yea. Tubbo?" Tommy replied softly, adjusting how he was sitting trying to alleviate some of the discomfort.

"Tommy, how long?" Tommy knew what his friend was asking but didn't want to answer. "Tommy. How long has it been on?"

"Three days. I know it's not healthy but I just can't deal with it right now." Tommy looked at his best friend and cringed at the look of worry and disappointment. His friend shouldn't have to worry about this. He should have said a few hours or something.

"Tommy, please take it off. Just for a little while." Tommy looked at Tubbo trying to plead at him with his eyes.
"Tubbo, please." He said when Tubbo didn't sway. Tubbo just shook his head and pulled his friend into his room. Tubbo sorted through his closet pulling out three huge sweatshirts and a smaller one.

"Tommy it is freezing outside so once you take it off put these on and let's go for a walk." Tubbo looked at Tommy seriously, after Tommy nodded back he walked out of the room leaving his friend to get ready.

Tommy stared at the clothes. He slowly reached to take off his own shirt. He cringed as he struggled to remove the tighter cloth underneath. As he finally pulled it off he screwed his eyes shut. He kept them that way until he had managed to pull on his shirt and two of the hoodies. He then opened his eyes and pulled on the last hoodie leaving the smaller one on the bed. He walked out to Tubbo who was already bundled up and sitting at the table scrolling through his phone.

"Okay." Tommy said, getting Tubbo's attention. Tubbo jumped to his feet and they headed out the front door. As they walked Tommy kept crossing his arms over his chest and would grab Tubbo's arm every time they passed anyone. Slowly he felt a little better and started to run ahead and then back trying to get Tubbo going faster.

When they finally reached the park they raced straight to the swings. Tommy got there first and hopped on one and started swinging. Tubbo arrived less than a second later and he quickly caught up to Tommy's speed.  After a while of being the only people at the park the two boys noticed a small red car pull into the parking lot.
The boys watched in horror as a family they recognized well got out. The oldest was an old man who everyone just called Jack the Ass. His daughter, Kathren, went to their old school. Back before they met Phil and the others. No one knew the name of the mother but it didn't matter because she was never seen without the father around.

Tubbo wanted to leave before anything happened but one look at Tommy told him that they were staying. Tommy kept swinging while Tubbo slowed down a bit so he could stall for Tommy to get away if they needed too. Tommy was hyper aware of the beeline Kathren was making for them.

"You are in my spot, Tubbo." Her shrill voice made them both flinch.

"No, you don't have a spot here. This isn't the school ground." Tubb heard Tommy say from over his shoulder. Tubbo picked up speed to keep Kathren from trying to grab the swing.

"Shut up Phyllis. We both know that you don't even belong here." Tubbo gasped at the deadname. He noticed Tommy start to wrap his arms around his chest. "You aren't even trying to hide that you are a girl so it is obvious that you are a girl. Phyllis tell your so-called friend to get out." Tommy was shaking. He had tears welling in his eyes.

"Tommy let's just go." Tubbo desperately wanted to go home before this got any worse for his friend. Tommy jumped off the swing and ran to the bathroom. He stormed into the men's room and he heard Tubbo rushing to follow.

Tommy ran to the stall and locked himself into the biggest stall. He curled into the corner and started sobbing. Tubbo knocked on the door.

"Tommy, can I come in, Tommy?" Tubbo's voice was soft but commanding. When he heard mumbling from inside he slipped under the door and went to his friend. He wrapped his arms around his friend trying to still the shaking boy.

"Tubbo, can we please get a ride home?" Tubbo nodded and pulled out his phone. He sent Techno a message. He knew that Techno would probably want to know what happened but he also knew that Techno would get here faster. A few minutes later his phone buzzed. Techno was outside.

"Tommy can you walk outside with me? Techno is here to pick us up." Tubbo helped his friend up and led him outside. Techno was standing outside the car with a knife. Tubbo shook his head slightly and Techno put the knife back in its sheath.

Tommy crawled into the back seat and Tubbo crawled in next to him. Techno got in and started the car. He noticed the youngest boy shivering so he turned on the heat. Tubbo instantly turned it back off. Techno looked at the boy questioningly but Tubbo knew the boy best.

"Can I know what happened?" Tubbo looked at Tommy who nodded before answering.

"Asshole girl, from our old school. Dead named Tommy." He gave the shortest answer he could. Techo turned this over in his head.

"Wait. Deadnamed? Like deadname deadnamed? On purpose?" Techno growled as Tubbo nodded. They made a u-turn and headed back to the park. As they pulled up Tommy groaned and then slouched under the window. Techno got out pulling the knife in a practiced movement. He headed to the girl and within a blink the girl was pinned under the pink haired man with a knife to her neck. She screamed but quieted as Techno talked to her. Before her dad could get to her he got up and walked back to the car.

They pulled away and then drove home. When they got home Tommy ran to his room and slammed the door. Techno stopped to catch Phil up but Tubbo rushed after his friend. Techno briefly told Phil that a bully was at the park and that he had dealt with it without murder.

Phil was proud of Techno for not killing anyone but was worried about Tommy. Techno told him to let Tubbo deal with it however so they settled into silence while waiting for Tubbo and Tommy to come down.

Tubbo opened the door to see his friend trying to pull off the last of the hoodies. Tubbo rushed to his side and pulled the hoodie back on. Tommy burst into tears again. Tubbo let the boy sob into his shoulder until the sobs turned into sniffles. Then he pulled Tommy away and looked into his friends eyes.

"I know you want to put it back on but I want you to take a break for at least a day plus it is almost time for bed." Tubbo gave the boy another hug. "Also I think we should tell the others so it doesn't accidentally slip." Tommy nodded and then pulled Tubbo down the stairs to the living room where all of the others were.

"Ummmm, I am Tommy but I wasn't always. I used to be Phyllis but I umm I'm not. The girl at the park went to our old school so she knew and she kept calling me Phyllis. I am sorry for calling you and making you pick us up." He then turned and left Tubbo to field the questions. There weren't any but Tubbo did stay behind for a bit before returning to his friend. He found him pretending to sleep in his bed. He cuddled up behind the boy and soon he felt Tommy drift off to sleep. Soon he was asleep too.

i learned that one of my friends died today so i might not be posting much for a while. sorry guys. i love all the people who like my stuff, it makes me happy. anyway yea have a good day.

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