Littlespace #6

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{littlespace, slapping, f slur, scars, implied past self harm, implied past abuse, yelling} 

Tommy was on an outing with the whole family. They had planned a whole week of 'family bonding.' This was day 5. Today they were going to the beach and then going to get ice cream. Wilbur and Tommy never looked forward to going to the beach. Both had scars from things they were not too proud of. Both had either stopped or were trying to, with the help of their family. They enjoyed the water but still, the odd looks sometimes got to them.

Tommy wore a sun shirt and some swim trunks but most of his scars were on his lower legs anyway, no hiding those. Wilbur had given up hiding his scars and just pretended the looks didn't matter.

As the 4 of them piled out of the car they instantly saw Karl, Sapnap and Quackity. Tommy and Wilbur went over while Techno and Phil grabbed the things from the car. The three ignored the scars. They could tell none were recent.

The 7 of them set out their towels and all sat relaxed. After a while Wilbur and Techno made some plans with Sapnap and Karl. Quickly they scooped up Tommy and Quackity who protested quite loudly. They ran them down the beach and dumped them in the water.

"The fuck!" They both screamed in unison when they surfaced. The others were laughing and celebrating. With one look at each other the two soaked boys started splashing the others.

Soon they were all soaking wet and tired. They all stomped up the beach and flopped down on their towels, unaware of the total asshole heading towards them.

"Sir. Your son should be wearing a shirt. He is prompting something that only a deranged person would do." The man was speaking to Phil. "And the other one should be wearing longer pants.

Phil sat up. "I see no problem with how my children are dressed, maybe mind your own business. They aren't prompting shit." The man gave a look of utter shock.

"How dare you speak to me like that." The man was yelling loudly. Tommy was reminded of how uncanny this man was to his old father. Then promptly got mad at himself for thinking about that horrid man. Karl also was reminded of his own father so he reached for Sapnap and Quackity who both pulled close to him and held his hands.

The man noticed their movements. "Oh and now these ones are fucking faggots. Get the fuck off this beach. I can't fucking belive you." Then the man raised his hand and slapped Sapnap.

Both of the boys had long since plummeted into the little space and Tommy had curled into Wilbur's arms. Karl had curled into Quackity's. Sapnap was about to hit back but the cry from Karl stopped him.

"Get the fuck away from me and my family. And you know what. Get the fuck off this beach yourself." Sapnap settled for pushing the man away before turning back to his boyfriends and the others. Tommy was crying and babbling to Wilbur about what happened. Karl was quietly sobbing into Quackity's arms.

"Oh baby Mama's got you." Quackity muttered quiet phrases to his baby. Wilbur nodded along as Tommy cried out his mumbled words. Techno rushed back to the car to get Tommy's little stuff. They brought a small bag everywhere. After he returned Karl and Tommy had calmed down. Wilbur was trying to keep calm, Phil was pacing.

Tommy had finally realized there was another little and had gone over to try and comfort him. Karl had stopped crying but still looked shaken. Techno pulled out a paci and handed it to Wilbur who put it into Tommy's mouth. Tommy was babbling around it as Karl nodded and they played some weird form of Patty Cake but both were too uncoordinated to play well. Mostly they were just giving eachother high fives.

Quackity played with Karl's hair and Sapnap was talking with Phil about getting justice or some shit. "Wilbur." Techno quietly whispered. Wilbur stopped watching the boys and looked at Techno. "Can Bubba swim?" At his name Tommy turned around. Wilbur shook his head but instead grabbed a bucket and handed it to Techno. Tommy squealed as Techno headed to the water. Tommy got up dragging Karl with him. He kept laughing as he ran over to Phil and begged him to hide him. Phil wrapped his cloak around him, yes Phil wore normal clothes to the beach, and Karl got scooped up by Sapnap.

When Techno came back he was disappointed that the littles had gotten protection so instead he dumped the bucket on Wilbur. After Tommy saw Wilbur chasing Techno he tugged on Karl's leg and started chasing after the other two. Karl quickly joined and they played tag until both boys were extremely sleepy. After the boys were properly buckled into their cars the adults decided to take everyone to ice cream before going home and letting the boys sleep. 


This was a request. Thank you for it I really liked writing it. 

Make sure to leave your requests on the request chapter or fill out the form or message me here. 

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